Limitations for Use
This equipment is designed to be used in temperatures ranging from -40ºF to +130ºF (-40°C to +54°C).
Do not expose this equipment to chemicals or harsh solutions that may have a harmful effect. Contact Hailo Wind
Systems Industrial with any questions.
Use caution when working with this product near moving machinery, electrical hazards, sharp edges, or abrasive
surfaces, as contact may cause equipment failure, personal injury, or death.
Minors, pregnant women, and anyone with a history of back and/or neck problems should not use this equipment.
Do not use or install equipment without proper training from a “Competent Person”.
Only Hailo Wind Systems Industrial, or entities authorized in writing by Hailo Wind Systems Industrial, shall make
repairs or alterations to the equipment.
Hailo Wind Systems Full Body Harnesses are designed for users with a maximum capacity up to 310 lb.* (141 kg.)
Including clothing, tools, etc.
*If the system is used by an employee having a combined tool and body weight between 310 lb. (140.6 kg.) and 400 lb.
(181.4 kg.), then the employer must appropriately modify the criteria and protocols to provide proper protection for such
heavier weights, or the system will not be deemed to be in compliance with the requirements of OSHA 1926.502(d) (16).
[ANSI capacity range is 130 lb. – 310 lb. (59 kg. – 140.6 kg.).]
Personal Energy Absorbers and Energy Absorbing Lanyards marked with, “ANSI Z359.13,” and “6 ft. Free Fall” are
designed for up to 6 ft. free fall applications with a maximum capacity up to 310 lb. (141 kg) including clothing, tools,
Hailo Wind Systems Full Body Harnesses shall be used as part of a personal fall arrest system that limits the maximum
free fall distance to 6 ft. (1.8 m). If used with appropriate connecting system, Hailo Wind Systems Full Body Harnesses
may be used with free falls exceeding 6 ft. (1.8 m).
Hailo Wind Systems Full Body Harnesses shall only be used as part of a controlled descent or rescue system that
eliminates free fall unless attached to the dorsal D-ring. When attached to the dorsal D-ring, the maximum free fall
distance is 6 ft. (1.8 m).
Hailo Wind Systems Full Body Harnesses shall only be used as part of a work positioning system that limits the
maximum free fall distance to 2 ft. (0.6 m).
Only use components rated for the same weight capacity or Higher. Not all fall protection components are rated for
the same user weight capacity.
Proper precautions should always be taken to remove any obstructions, debris, material, or other recognized hazards
from the work area that could cause injuries or interfere with the effective operation of the system.
Do not use fall protection equipment for towing or hoisting.
Protect all synthetic material from slag, hot sparks, open flames, or other heat sources.
Do not expose equipment to environmental hazards and chemicals which may produce a harmful effect. Polyester
should be used in certain chemical or acidic environments.
Do not allow equipment to come in contact with anything that will damage it including (but not limited to): sharp
edges, abrasive surfaces, moving machinery, or high-temperature applications like welding, heat sources, and
electrical areas.
Evaluate space below work area to ensure potential fall path is clear of obstructions.
Allow adequate fall clearance below the work surface.