The date of the chart only is a example, please don’t adjust the factory mode base on it.
9. Trouble shooting
9-1. Simple check
No Picture,no sound
Verify if the television is properly plugged
Verify if the television is properly supplied power
Verify if electricity is available
Blank screen
Verify if correct signals are input
Press INPUT button to change signal input to TV input
Restart the television of power supply is interrupted
No sound
Press Mute button and verify if Mute mode is set.
Switch to otger channel and verify if the same problem
Press VOL+ button to see of he problem can be solved.
Poor sound
Verufy if sound system is correct .Refer to some chapter for
No picture in some channel
Verify if correct channel is selected.
Adjust the antenna.
Make adjustments by Fine Tune and MANUAL Scan.
No color for some channel
program(black and white)
Verify if the same problem exists in other channels.
check out of picture and sound system.
Refer to relative instructions in the Manual for color adjust.
Spots with some or all pictures
Verify if the antennal is correctly connected.
Verify if the antennal is in good condition.
Make fine adjustment of channel.