Defrost Heater control rule
Defrost heater will be controlled according to the following :
1 The very first defrost will occur 4 hours after cabinet has been switched on or after a
replacement control board fitted.
2 If the PC sensor temperature is greater than 10
a defrost will occur.
3 If the FC temperature is above –5
a defrost will occur.
4 If the PC & FC doors have been opened more than 5 times before the cabinet has run for 5
hours after first being switched on.
5 If none of the above conditions (1) (2) (3) (4) have occurred a defrost will take place after 7
hours of accumulative run time, terminating when the defrost sensor r7
6 The defrost will be aborted after 120 minutes with the defrost sensor failing to reach +7
7 Fault code ED will be displayed.
8 If the defrost sensor fails, a forced defrost will occur every 120 minutes.
9 If Fast freeze or fast fridge is selected while the cabinet is in defrost mode, these modes will
not occur until the defrosting has been completed.
In order to minimize the rise in temperature while defrosting the system will go into advance cooling
lower the FC temperature below the normal switch point by –3
. If the cabinet cannot reach this
temperature with in 30 minutes a forced defrost will occur.
5-4 Ice-making process
Water in: The machine let water into ice-maker after ice releasing action
Ice-making delay time: Include two conditions, one condition is that the ice-ma king time reach to 60
minutes, another conditio n is that the ice-maker senor te mperature is low er than -14
. It must be
meet these two conditions, the ice maker could overturn and make ice cube.
Ice-detection: When ice- maker is under working status, ice-measure st aff move downward firstly to
detect if the ice is full. If the meas
re-staff can mo ve to the lo
est position, it means that the ice in
ice-drawer is not full, and it can continue next ice-releasing action. If the me asure-staff can not move
to the lowest position, machine will take for the ice in ice-drawer is full, and return to ice-making delay
time to wait another ice-detection action, and then come into being cycle.
Ice-releasing: If the result of
ce-detection is not full, ice- box w ill rot ate to release
ce. After
ice-releasing, machine going on another water in action, and then come into being cycle.