Wide-angle airflow
Up-deflecting blades at the air-out
provide wide-angle cold air to air-
condition the entire room with room
temperature difference hardly be
3 minutes protection
The 3 minutes protection of the
compressor can avoid some
damages to it and makes the
compressor have a longer life.
When the sleep mode is selected,
the system regulates the airflow and
temperature, gradually and
eventually comes to a stop.
Sleep mode
The front air deflectors are adjustable
for horizontal or vertical air-
conditioning, The airflow can be
directed to air-condition the whole
room or even a particular point.
4-way airflow
24 hours on/off timer
The appliance can be timed in actual
hours and minutes as a clock.
Auto restart
In the event of power failure, the air
conditioner restarts automatically
when the power supply returns to
Auto switchover
Auto swichover function between two
systems with one detector.
Central controller (1:128)
One central controller can control Max.
128 indoor units by employing the
centralized monitoring system which
makes use of air conditioner's
sectional interconnecting technology.
Wired remote controller
Wireless remote control
Newly developed mini controller for
remote control and easy operation.
Only one wired remote controller can
control Max. 16 indoor units making
your operation easily.
4. Functions