In attached do you found also my short video about the Decoder connection and Led blinking.
Can you help me ?
Thanks for your feedback and the vedio.
The connection should be OK.
Please not connect the audio cable first and make the phone call to the HI-601VT.
After phone connection, you should hear the continue beeping (dialton).
When you can hear the beeping, then, connect the audio cable to what you have connected.
Because of from your information, the green light is not on meaning the GSM data not in yet.
Do let me know if there still problem.
OK, you use the home phone.
We will try to make the RJ11 to the mini1394 cable to the decoder so that you can lead the voice message to
the decoder. Meanwhile, can you find a mobile phone with 3.5mm audio jack.
And lead the beeps from the phone to the decoder by using the inclusive 3.5mm audio jack to mini1394 Y
cable (like the attached connection)
I have tested it with our Siemens OptiPoint phones, and our Uniden cordless phones (with
headphone socket). When I pick up the phone handset, I can hear the beeps being sent back
by the HI-601.
Do you have a cable that has a female 2.5mm audio socket, to an RJ11 phone handset socket?
This way, I could plug your cable straight into our phone. If we were to sell this device, we
would like to have this cable to make it easier for customers!
OK, when you dial the telephone number inside the HI-601VT, you will hear the continue dial tone meaning
the HI-601VT sending back the location in analog voice message.
Even though the decoder do not receive and connect to the HI-601VT, the decoder keep generating the old
NMEA data.
Please tell me what phones and what device that you test with.
Please make sure the decoder audio cable and data cable connected properly.