Posts with
V-shaped head
Stainless steel screws
per post
Parts List
Art.-No. INT042BLK (black ) or
Art.-No. INT042MBR (brown)
Dimension 10x14x150 cm / Weight 14,2 kg
Art.-No. INT036BLK (black) or
Art.-No. INT036MBR (brown)
Dimension 10x10x300 cm / Weight 28,5 kg
Art.-No. 9002694
Dimension 6,0 x 100 mm
Installation Guide
Ultra Knee Rail Fencing -
Thank you for choosing hanit Ultra Knee Rail Fencing.
For a best results, it is important to work very accurately.
Installing Posts
Determine the exact installation position and the intended installation depth of the posts. Make sure that there are no
underground cables or other lines in the area of the installation.
To avoid any deflection of the crossbar, the distance between the posts should not exceed 140 cm.
For example: with a distance of 140 cm between posts the deflection of the cross bar will be about 1 cm with a short
term exposure to 200 KG. The depth of the post hole should be at least 50 cm, to prevent expulsion due to frost. A
deeper installation increases stability. Dig the post holes, place the posts in the holes and check the depth is correct.
Prepare a semi-dry mixture of fine grained gravel and cement as a filling material for the post holes. Fill the holes up
loosely with the mixture. Using a guideline you can check whether the posts are placed at the intended height and
correct position. If the post has sunk too deep, you can raise it and let the filling trickle underneath, whilst you pack it
down with the post.
Check the vertical installation using a spirit level. Finally, compress the filling around the post. The upper part of the post
hole can be filled up with garden soil. The moisture of the surrounding soil will harden the cement contained in the semi
dry mixture to a concrete foundation. If necessary you can wet it with a watering can.
The metal straps, shown in the picture, are not
HAHN Kunststoffe GmbH - Gebäude 1027 - DE 55483 Hahn-Flughafen
+49 65 43 / 98 86 - 0
+49 65 43 / 98 86 - 99
Online: www.hahnkunststoffe.de