The Program Screen
The KE24Load program allows the user to create a configuration
for the KE24. The following is a list of the selections and how they
pertain to the KE24 setup. Use your mouse to change the various
Number of Rows
If your application is using a matrix, program the number of rows
in the highlighted area. This number may be from 0 to 23. Use
0 if all of the KE24 inputs are to be used as discrete (individual)
Click the Options header on the menu bar to change options.
Communication Port
Change this option to select the port that will be used to program
the KE24. Configurations may be loaded through the keyboard
port or the serial port (COM1 through COM6). It is highly
recommended to use the Keyboard port to program the KE24.
Keyboard Output To:
This option controls where input from an external keyboard
connected to the KE24 sends its data. If set to COMPUTER, the
data from the external keyboard is sent to the PC. (This allows
the full use of the keyboard with the PC.) If set to RS-232 port as
ASCII, the data from the external keyboard is sent to the RS-232
port as ASCII data (see table in the serial port section). This option
may also be set to RS-232 Key #, which sends a key number to
the serial port which corresponds to the key pressed (see table in
the serial port section).