Castanet Headphone Amplifier Kit Manual
Install fuse clips (2).
Remove the metal bracket from the power switch. Install, making it as horizontal
as possible. Add switch cap.
Install 100uF (4). Double check polarity.
Trim wire length on power transformer to about 0.5” past the bottom of bracket.
Remove insulation up to bracket level. Save the wires for later. Mount the
transformer on top of two thick washers using #6 screws, having fed the stripped
leads through the appropriate holes. Tighten, then solder.
Install 10nF ac capacitor.
Install 9H chokes (2) in the same fashion as above. Make sure the thick washers
are used as standoffs.
Install 30H chokes (2).
Install 119DA output transformers (2).
Install 3.3uF caps (3). Bend and trim leads to fit, you have to solder from
component side. Leads must not protrude through board.
Install volume pot (don’t solder mounting tabs yet).
Use the saved power transformer wires to wire the outputs of the 119DA to the
board (labeling of holes is on other side). See photo. Probably best to use black
as ground, green as 4-ohm, red as 8-ohm connections. Add tie wraps.
Install heat sink.
Add adhesive bumpers to power transformer, 30H chokes, and output