CORNET3 Phonostage Kit PCB
Install all resistors, solder, cut leads. Note the two 10k next to LM555 should be
Install diodes. Solder.
Install LM555.
Install power switch.
Install 1nF and 47nF capacitors.
Install 47uF (25V) and 470uF capacitors.
Install LEDs, 2N3904.
Install RCA and DC power jacks.
Install sockets.
Install 470nF capacitors.
Install TIP50 and IRF740 transistors. IRF740 is next to switch.
Install 50uH inductors.
Install 47uF 250V capacitors.
Break heat sinks in half, right where the hole is (use pliers). File smooth, install
and solder. These act as shields to eliminate noise from power supply.