The Hafler PH60 is set up to accommodate various types of moving coil
cartridges. This is accomplished with a series of internal jumpers that
can be set for 50Ω, 100Ω and 200Ω
plus a custom setting should this
be needed.
The PH60 comes factory set at 100Ω
as this will accommodate about
90% of the cartridges used today. Your phono cartridge manufacturer
will suggest the appropriate load for its cartridge for optimal performance
– which should be found in the cartridge’s manual or web site. If your
cartridge requires a different load, simply take the cover off the PH60
using a standard Phillips screwdriver and a HEX 5/64", carefully pull the
jumper from the 100Ω position and push it back on to the 50Ω or 200Ω
position to suit. Setting the load correctly will assure the most accurate
frequency response.
Some cartridge manufacturers may suggest a unique (specific) load to
optimize their cartridge’s performance. To address this, a fourth ‘custom’
position in the jumper section of the PCB allows a resistor to be soldered
in to suit. Simply have your dealer contact the Hafler service depart
ment with the required load and we will calculate the proper resistor. Your
dealer’s service department can then insert the part at a nominal cost to
accommodate your needs.