Hafco Combustible Dust Certified Pneumatic Vacuums are
certified and meet the stringent requirements of the NFPA
(National Fire Protection Association) and NRTL (OSHA's
Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory).
The NFPA publishes an all-encompassing standard on how
to design a safe dust collection system. Depending on the
nature and severity of the hazard, it will guide you more
specific standards for explosion venting and deflagration
HafcoVac Vacuums have undergone a comprehensive
evaluation by Technology International, a U.K. based
technology group dedicated to providing specialist,
regulatory compliance and approvals support worldwide.
Technology International has been appointed by the
UK Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS) as
a Notified Body for the European EMC Directive, Low
Voltage Directive, Machinery Directive and the Radio &
Telecommunication Terminal Equipment Directive (R&TTE).
The term ATEX is used for the European Union's (EU) 94/9/
EC directive addressing equipment and instrumentation
intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres. The
directive was purposed to help trade within the EU through
alignment of laws governing the member states and went
into effect on July 1, 2003. ATEX covers a broad array
of safety equipment and instrumentation - including gas
OSHA's Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory
(NRTL) Program
The National Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL)
ensures that products made by private companies meet the
requirements of both the construction and general industry
OSHA electrical standards. After a product is tested and
certified, the manufacturer is authorized to apply a registered
certification mark on the product. HafcoVac displays the
ATEX Certification label on our Certified Vacuums which
shows compliance with the requirements of the appropriate
product safety standards it meets.
HafcoVac vacuum heads are shipped fully assembled and
ready to use. If you ordered a vacuum head with a tool kit,
or individual tools or hoses, they are generally included in
the same box, so please check carefully to avoid discarding
them with the packaging. If you ordered a liquid shut off
assembly (HV-7031), it is installed inside the standard
filter for shipping purposes, though it is advised that you
the liquid shut off
the filter at any given time,
depending upon your application.
Complete units ship fully assembled, with the exception
of the caster base (dolly). See the subsequent section for
assembly instructions.
National Fire Protection Association
Requirements for managing
combustible dust across
industries are set by the
National Fire Protection
Association. These
standards apply to all
facilities and operations that
contend with combustible dust within their
environments and set safety measures for the
management of processes and dust types.
NFPA 652
Standard on the Fundamentals of
Combustible Dust
Applies to all facilities and operations that
deal with combustible dust. It requires facility
operators to conduct a dust hazard analysis to
identify threats, create a plan to manage fire
and explosion dangers and provide training
for workers.
NFPA 654
Standard for the Prevention of Fire and
Dust Explosions from the Manufacturing,
Processing and Handling of Combustible
Particulate Solids
An all-encompassing standard on how
to design a safe dust collection system.
Depending on the nature and severity of
the hazard, it will guide you more specific
standards for explosion venting and
deflagration protection.
NFPA 484
Standard for Combustible Metals
Covers all metals and alloys in a form that is
capable of combustion or explosion. It also
applies to processing or finishing operations
that produce combustible metal powder or
dust such as machining, sawing, grinding,
buffing and polishing.
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After removing your unit from the shipping
box, check for parts that may have been
placed inside the vertical pieces of
cardboard in the box corners.