Describing the PCS2 Device Components
P/N 85266-30, Manual revision: A
Pump control
These keys can be used by the operator to manually change the preset pump
speed during a collection procedure.
Pump arrow keys
These keys can be used to temporarily modify the default parameter settings by
respectively increasing (arrow up) or decreasing (arrow down) the speed in which
the pumps will rotate. The adjustment should be made based on individual donor
needs during a specific collection procedure.
During a Draw cycle, the operator should observe the DPM bar graph
and flow indicator lights in order to correctly asses for low donor blood flow.
However, before using the arrow keys to adjust for low donor flow, it is important
that the operator allow the PCS2 device to first reach the preset target pump
Warning: During a Return cycle, if the pump speed is manually decreased, the
operator must carefully monitor the venipuncture site, to avoid possible conse-
quences of an infiltrated vein for the donor, such as hematoma.
Pump start/stop key
This key can be used to either stop the pumps, or re-start the pumps if stopped by
the operator.
If the pumps have been stopped using this key, and remain stopped for
longer than two to three minutes during a Draw cycle, the bowl may become
over-packed with red cells because the centrifuge will continue to spin. This can
create a potential flow problem during the Return cycle. In this case, the operator
should return the bowl contents to the donor before proceeding with a Draw
This section of the PCS2 keypad consists of four keys which enable the operator
to modify specific PCS2 procedure parameters. Certain system operating param-
eters have been selected by Haemonetics as default values. These parameters
provide optimal results in PCS2 plasmapheresis procedures with the average
donor, as well as for average collection requirements.
However, it is possible to alter and subsequently retain the altered parameters for
specific collection requirements. Once the program parameters have been
consulted and/or modified, the operator can return to the screen depicting the
current mode of operation without interruption to the collection procedure.
Further information is provided in the chapter “Understanding a PCS2 Collection