Seite: 18
Please strictly follow this order!
Turn on:
Turn on radio
2. The radio status-LED flashes green
3. Connect receiver power supply
4. The radio submits a short beep sequence, the status LED flashes red and green for
short time
5. After that the status-LED will permanently shine green
6. Ready for operation
Turn off:
1. Disconnect receiver power supply
2. The radio will send an alarm tone, the status LED will again flash red and green indica
ting the loss of connection
3. Turn off radio
Technical Data
Typ of the Transmitter: Hacker DS-5
Channels: 5
Frequency: 2,4 GHz
Power Supply: 8x 1,5V Mignon (Typ AA) Batterien/Akkus
Modulation-Typ: FHSS
RF Power: <100mW EiRP
Equipment Class: 2
Dimensions: 189 x 97 x 218mm
Weight: 575 Gramm