96-0041 Rev U
July 2010
The mill is powered up by pressing the “Power On” button. Press “Power Up /
Restart” and the mill will automatically find home.
The Haas Toolroom Mills are supplied with the Intuitive Programming System
(IPS). This is displayed once the mill is powered up and homed. This screen
shows the X, Y and Z position of the mill as well as the spindle speed. This
programming system helps the operator set up operations such as setting tool
and work offsets, drilling and tapping cycles, circular and rectangular pocket
milling, without knowledge of G-code programming.
The control will prompt for basic machining information tool type, coordinates,
feedrate, spindle speed, depth of cut, etc. Once all information is entered, the
Toolroom mill performs the desired operation.
IPS Navigation
To navigate through the menus of the Intuitive Programming System, use the
left and right arrow keys. To select the menu press Write/Enter. Some menus
have sub-menus, which again use the left and right arrow keys and Enter to
select a sub-menu. Use the arrow keys to navigate through the variables. Key
in a variable using the number pad and press Write/Enter. To exit the menu
press Cancel. Each of the variables has help text, which is displayed once the
variable is selected.
To change to full CNC mode press any of the Display keys, except Offset. A
complete list of G-Codes is described in the Operator’s manual and includes
examples to demonstrate the use of the G-codes. Press “Handle Jog” to return
to the Toolroom Mill menus.
A program entered through Toolroom Mill screens is also accessible in MDI (full
ips r
The IPS recorder provides a simple method to place G-code generated by IPS
into new or existing programs.