Write down the number etched into the end of the tape, before installing the etched scale tape into the aluminum
extrusion. This is the tape’s shortening factor VK , for example 146 µm/m.
Next calculate the tension value V: V(µm) = XV (m) * VK (µm/m).
To use this equation distance XV must be converted to meters: XV =(153in)*(.0254m/in)= 3.886m.
Using the example of VK =146 µm/m (your number may be different) V= (3.886m)* (146µm/m)
V=567.38 µm
Round to the nearest integer:
V=567 µm
Keeping the supplied shipping brackets in place,
slide the read head to the tensioning end of the
extrusion to achieve the distance, XV =153.0
/- 1/16”, from the end of the extension
cap to the centerline of the nearest read head
Linear Scale - Heidenhain - Set Tension
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