The file name, size and path in the above figure may vary. Check the current BootWare and
application program versions before upgrading.
After you download a file to upgrade BootWare by changing the baud rate, restore the baud rate in
the HyperTerminal to 9,600 bps in time, so as to ensure the normal display on the console screen
when the system boots or reboots.
Upgrading an Application Program Through a Serial Interface
The application program upgrade through a serial interface is implemented in the serial submenu.
in the BootWare main menu to enter the serial submenu. For detail description on this
submenu, refer to section "Serial submenu” on page 5-4.
The following example shows how to upgrade the main application file:
To improve the upgrading speed, you can modify the serial interface baud rate before upgrading (refer
to section “Modifying Serial Interface Parameters” on page 5-7). Select
in the serial interface
submenu, and the system prompts:
Now Downloading Program File.
Please Start Transfer Program File And Use Xmodem Protocol.
If You Want To Exit. Press 'Ctrl+X'.
Select the application file and click
. The procedure for upgrading an application program through
a serial interface is similar to the one for upgrading BootWare. Refer to section “Upgrading BootWare”
on page 5-9.
The size of an application program is often over 10 MB. Even if the baud rate is 115,200 bps, it will take
about 30 minutes to upgrade the application through a serial interface. Therefore, you are
recommended to upgrade an application program through an Ethernet interface.
Upgrading an Application Program Through an Ethernet Interface
in the BootWare main menu to enter the Ethernet submenu. For details, refer to section
“Ethernet submenu” on page 5-5.
Configuring Ethernet Interface Parameters
Before upgrading an application program through an Ethernet interface, you need to configure the
Ethernet interface of the AC as follows:
in the BootWare main menu to enter the Ethernet submenu. Then, select
in the submenu to
enter the Ethernet interface parameter configuration interface: