Slot arrangement and interface
Slot arrangement
Table4-1 Slot arrangement on the device
Slot arrangement
: FIP module slot
Interface numbering
The interfaces (except the management Ethernet interface) on the router are numbered
. The management Ethernet interface number is M-GigabitEthernet 0/0/0.
—Type of the interface such as GigabitEthernet and Ten-GigabitEthernet.
—Slot number (number of the slot where the FIP module resides on the device). As shown in
, the FIP module slot number is 1.
The number is 0 for fixed interfaces on the device.
—Subslot number (number of the slot where the interface module resides on the FIP module).
The FIP-30 module has two interface module slots. The lower slot number is 1 and upper slot
number is 2.
The number is 0 for the fix interfaces on the FIP-30.
—Interface number.
A FIP-30 is installed on the device. Fixed GE interfaces 4 through 19 on the FIP-30 installed on the
device are numbered GigabitEthernet 1/0/4 through GigabitEthernet 1/0/19, respectively.
A FIP-30 is installed on the device. If a MIC-X-XP4 interface module is installed in slot 1 on the
FIP-30, the four 10-GE interfaces 0 through 3 on the MIC-X-XP4 are numbered Ten-GigabitEthernet
1/1/0 through Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/1/3, respectively.
A FIP-30 is installed on the device. If a MIC-X-XP4 interface module is installed in slot 2 on the
FIP-30, the four 10-GE interfaces 0 through 3 on the MIC-X-XP4 are numbered Ten-GigabitEthernet
1/2/0 through Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/2/3, respectively.