Setting up an IRF fabric
You can use H3C Intelligent Resilient Framework (IRF) technology to connect and virtualize S5820X
switches into a virtual switch called an "IRF fabric" or "IRF virtual device" for flattened network topology,
and high availability, scalability, and manageability.
IRF fabric setup flowchart
Figure 67
IRF fabric setup flowchart
To set up an IRF fabric:
Step Description
Plan IRF fabric setup
Plan the installation site and IRF fabric setup parameters.
Complete the following tasks:
Planning IRF fabric size and the installation site
Identifying the master switch and planning IRF member IDs
Planning IRF topology and connections
Plan IRF fabric setup
Install IRF member switches
Connect the grounding cable
and power cords
Power on the switches
Configure basic IRF settings
Connect the physical IRF ports
Slave switches reboot and the
IRF fabric is automatically