Installation Manual
H3C S3610 Series Ethernet Switches
Chapter 5 Loading Boot ROM and Host Software
220 WFTPD 2.0 service (by Texas Imperial Software) ready for new user
331 Give me your password, please
230 Logged in successfully
[ftp] get SWITCH.app SWITCH.app
[ftp] get SWITCH.btm SWITCH.btm
[ftp] bye
Step 2: Load Boot ROM.
<H3C> bootrom update file SWITCH.btm
This command will update bootrom file, Continue? [Y/N]y
Now updating bootrom, please wait...
BootRom file updating finished!
Step 3: Load the host software.
<H3C> boot-loader file SWITCH.bin
This command will set boot file, Continue? [Y/N]:y
The specified file will be used as a boot file at the next time!
<H3C> display boot-loader
The current boot app is: s3610_s5510-cmw520-r0001p02.bin
The app that will boot upon reboot is: SWITCH.bin
<H3C> reboot
The configurations that you just make cannot survive a reboot. Make sure you have
saved them before you have the system reboot.
To validate the downloaded Boot ROM and host software, you must reboot the switch.
In case of inadequate Flash memory space, you can delete some of the program files in
Flash, those that are no longer in use for example, after completing Boot ROM loading.
Then FTP the host program to the switch.
Power disconnection must be prevented during the loading process.