Table 14
Limitation on harmful gases in equipment room
Gas Max.
S 0.006
Requirements on Electrostatic Discharge Prevention
Although many antistatic considerations have been given to MSR 50, damage to the router’s circuit or
even the whole equipment may still happen when the static electricity exceeds the tolerance threshold.
In the communication network to which the routers are connected, static induction mainly comes from two
aspects: external electric fields such as outdoor high voltage power line or thunder and internal
environment like flooring materials or the whole equipment structure. Thus, the following should be
considered to safeguard the equipment against the ESD.
Make sure that the equipment and the floor are well grounded.
The equipment room is dust-proof.
Maintain an appropriate humidity and temperature.
Wear an ESD-preventive wrist strap and uniform when contacting the circuit board.
Place the removed circuit board on the antistatic workbench, with its face upward, or put it into the
static shielding bag.
When observing or moving the removed circuit board, please touch the edge of the circuit board,
and avoid contacting the devices on it.
Requirements on Electromagnetic Environments
The interference sources, no matter where they come from, affect the routers with capacitance coupling,
inductance coupling, radiation of electromagnetic wave, common impedance (including the grounding
system) or conducting line (power line, signal line and transmission line etc.). So the following should be
Take effective measures to prevent the power system from being interfered with by the power grid
Use an earthing system or lightning protection grounding different from that for the power supply
equipment and keep them as far as possible.
Keep the router far away from the radio launcher, radar launcher, and high-frequency devices
working in high current.
Use electromagnetic shielding when necessary.
Requirements on Preventing Lightning
Although many measures have been taken to protect MSR 50 from lightning, if the lightning intensity
exceeds a certain range, damage to the router may still happen. To protect the router from lightning
better, the following should be considered:
Ensure the PGND wire of the chassis is well grounded.