5: S
nothing to do with port IP address
of the router.
inet on backplane (b):
No need to set.
host inet (h)
IP address of FTP/TFTP server.
gateway inet (g)
Gateway IP address. No need to
user (u)
: guest
User name. FTP downloaded is used
in this setting. No need to
consider in TFTP downloading.
ftp password (pw) (blank = use rsh): 123456 FTP downloading password. No need
to consider in TFTP downloading.
flags (f)
: 0x80
Downloading flag. The flag is 0x0
with FTP downloading, and 0x80 with
TFTP downloading.
target name (tn)
No need to set. If set, it means
the target file name saved in Flash
memory. If not, the one used for the
last upgrade is used.
startup script (s)
No need to set.
other (o)
No need to set.
When configuring parameters, enter new parameters directly; or press
<ENTER> to accept the default parameter coming after the colon. “.” for “clear
field”, “-” for “go to previous filed”, and “Ctrl+D” for “quit”.
Upon failure, the system prompts:
Loading failed
Please reboot the router to validate the reset IP address.
Do not modify the device name of the router; otherwise, the system prompts
“Boot device should not be modified” and skips to the next configuration item.
Only FE0 port can be used in MSR 20 router, and GE0 port in MSR 30 and MSR
50 routers.
Upgrading Application
Program Through
Ethernet Interface
TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) is a protocol of the TCP/IP suit that is used to
transfer trivial files between clients and the server. It provides not-so-complex and
low-cost file transfer services. Carried over UDP, TFTP provides unreliable data
transfer services and does not provide access authorization and authentication
mechanism. It employs timeout retransmission to guarantee the successful
transferring of data. TFTP takes much smaller size than FTP.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is an application layer protocol in the TCP/IP suit. It
mainly transfers files among remote hosts. Carried over TCP, it provides reliable
and connection-oriented data transfer service but does not provide access
authorization and authentication mechanism.
Step 1: Set up an upgrade environment.
Figure 34
Set up TFTP/FTP upgrade environment
(TFTP/FTP Client)
(TFTP/FTP Server)