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IE1-LH-70 20081201

Surge Waterproof Headphones feature ergonomic 

earplugs designed to isolate sound and provide a 

watertight seal. The headphones are packaged with 

medium earplugs installed. Extra small, small, large and 

extra large earplugs are also included. The insides of 

the earplugs are labeled to aid in identification.

The earplugs should be pushed into your ear canals far 

enough to establish a secure fit but not so far that they 

become uncomfortable. Some users may find it 

preferable to use different size earplugs for each ear.

For optimal performance, the earplugs need to 

completely seal with the walls of your ear canals. 

Modifying the earplugs size and its angle of insertion 

are important steps in creating a watertight seal.

Larger size earplugs may be preferable during active 

and / or in water use as they may offer more contact 

with the ear and may improve the watertight seal.

A watertight seal is best achieved when the earplugs 

are inserted into your ears when dry. If your ear canals 

are wet you may find larger earplugs provide a better 


We encourage users to experiment with different 

earplug sizes until they find the combination that works 

best for them.

U s i n g   Yo u r   H e a d p h o n e s



The sound is intermittent from my headphones. 

How can I fix or replace them?

Ensure the waterproof headphones are plugged in 
completely. If the problem still continues please contact 
H2O Audio Customer Service for further instructions on 
how to receive replacement headphones.



What happens if my Surge Headphones fall out 

of my ears while in the water?

Surge Headphones are 100% waterproof and can be 
exposed / submerged in water for unlimited time 
periods. However, if the headphones come out of your 
ears and fall into the water, simply shake or blow off 
any surface water that may remain in the earplug. This 
will help ensure the best sound experience.



My new Surge Headphones sound distorted 

right out of the box. What should I do?

Surge Headphones feature sealed, watertight speaker 
chambers. During initial use, your headphones may 
sound distorted or operate at very low audio levels due 
to a vacuum formed in the speaker chamber during air 
travel or shipment. Volume and sound quality will 
return to normal once the pressure equalizes. Playing 
the headset at 90% volume for 30min typically solves 
this problem. If the problem still occurs, wait 24 hours 
and test again as the headphones will usually equalize 
within a short period of time.

If your headphones do not equalize or if you have any 
questions, please contact H2O Audio Customer Service 
at 800-708-6080 or [email protected]

F. A . Q . ’s

C o n t a c t   U s

Copyright Notice:  This owner’s manual is copyrighted, all rights reserved. It may not, in 
whole or in part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or formed into any 
electronic format without prior consent in writing. H2O Audio is a registered trademark of 
H2O Audio, Inc. Patents 6396769, 6614722, 6954405 Others Pending.

Customer Support is available Monday - Friday 9AM 
to 5PM PT
P.  800.708.6080 or 858.623.0339
F.  858.225.0815
E.  [email protected]

Prior to any return, a Return Authorization (RA) number must be 
obtained. To receive an RA number, go online to 
and follow the simple instructions on how to return a product. Proof of 
purchase from an Authorized Dealer will be required. A copy of the 
original sales receipt and a copy of the owner's portion of the warranty 
card must accompany all correspondence regarding the equipment 
covered by this warranty agreement or in direct reference to this 

L a i r d   H a m i l t o n   S i g n a t u r e   S e r i e s

W a t e r p r o o f   H e a d p h o n e s

H 2 O A u d i o . c o m
