Magnepopper Inductor
The Magnepopper heating inductor’s (optional accessory) primary use is for paintless dent repair
and metal shrinking. The Magnepopper emits a strong magnetic field at the tip of the inductor
approximately ½” (13mm) in diameter. The strong focused field from the Magnepopper makes it
possible to remove soft dents of all sizes without damaging the paint. The Magnepopper can
eliminate the need to hire a PDR technician in many cases, saving the shop hundreds of dollars
per car.
It is not necessary to remove the interior trim, because all the work can be conducted from the
outside of the vehicle. Additionally, the risk of damage to the interior is minimal because most
dents are removed at temperatures less than 150F (66C). However, the interior trim should be
removed if metal shrinking is to be conducted, due to the higher temperature requirements.
It is not necessary to drill holes in panels when using the Magnepopper because all the work is
done from the outside of the vehicle.
Although, the Magnepopper does not produce any heat, it is possible to burn the paint if left in
one position for too long. Approximately 3 seconds is the maximum amount of time the
Magnepopper can be held in one location before paint is burned.
The Magnepopper removes dents based on the principles of thermal expansion. The magnetic
field when placed over a dented area causes the metal in that area to become hot. Metal
expands as it gets hot. The surrounding cooler metal constrains the outside of the dented area
that is being heated. The heat causes the dent to expand upward, thus removing the dent.
In some cases, the dent will increase in size when heated. If this occurs, move out to the outer
edge of the dent and heat again. Continue to move outward until the dent starts to decrease in
size. Large dents and swells required a circular motion starting at the perimeter of the dent,
progressing to the middle.
It is possible and recommended to over raise the dented area with the Magnepopper inductor.
Over raising the dent stretches the metal in the opposite direction, which prevents the dent from
reappearing when it cools. The area that is over raised will flatten when cooled. It may be
necessary to tap the high area down in some cases.
After raising the dented area, immediately quench the spot with a spray bottle or damp cloth.
This will reduce the likely hood of the metal having memory.
When working panels with many dents, users should not work in one area, but rather move
around the panel heating one area while another cools. This will prevent an oil can effect which
could permanently distort the metal.
Do not over work a dent, because paint damage can occur. 3 to 5 seconds cumulative heat time
is all the paint can withstand before being burned. After heating 3 to 5 seconds, cool the area
thoroughly before heating again. Each time the dent is heated and quenched it is raised a little
Dents with creases in them are more difficult. The Magnepopper inductor can remove the dent,
but in most cases the crease is still visible, but can be covered with a little high-build primer and
block sanding.
Dents near the edge of panels or near mechanical details like corners and rain channels are very
difficult to remove with the Magnepopper inductor. Traditional PDR techniques may have to be