«Automatic Recording»
To activate automatic recording, use the «settings» tab
. Then tick the «Auto» box in the «Measurement recording» section.
To change the settings of the auto-
matic mode once the value capture
has started, it is necessary to go to
the manual mode (security so that
the user does not change the set-
tings during a measurement).
Switching threshold; value of the current or flow rate above which acquisition starts.
Acquisition parameters of the «Auto Recording» mode which can be modified:
Trigger threshold: The value of the current above which the acquisition starts.
Interpoint time: time between 2 welding points. The recording stops beyond this duration.
Click on the button
to validate the parameters.
Start the welding (n°
fig. 16). The automatic mode starts to record the values as soon as the triggering threshold is exceeded. The recording
lasts 10 seconds, the recording of the values starts after these 10 seconds. Once the first recording is completed and validated, click on «Next
Point» and continue until the 10 points are recorded.
For both manual and automatic recordings, it is possible to view the points which has been recorded using the «Next Point» and «Previous Point»
buttons (
fig. 17 and
fig. 16 ). Thus, each point can be measured again as many times as necessary and at any time of the validation. It is
possible to resume a recording, according to the «Manual» or «Automatic» mode.
Analysis of the values shown in the «Channels» section.
Instruction value: Value shown in the list of points when the scenario is created (either pre-entered in an existing scenario or chosen by the user).
Measured value : Value of the welding machine measured by the calibration case.
Difference :
Instruction value - Measured value, the box is shown in green if the value is within the tolerance of the table (refer to the table in the
standard reminder section on p.4) or in red if it is not.
Display :
It is the value displayed on the welding machine. Contrarly to the difference, the box is shown in green if the value is within the tolerance
or in red if not.
Interpretation of the results below :
The «Instruction» values for the three chosen channels were : 16.5 V for the voltage, 50.0 A for the current and 5.0 m/min for the wire speed.
After 10 seconds of recording, we note that the user has chosen to use the intensity value (50.2 A). The difference is in accordance with the tole
rance of the standard and therefore the box is shown in green.
The values of the voltage and wire speed are in accordance with the specified instruction values. The difference is too important and is not within
the tolerance range. The boxes are shown in red. It is possible to repeat the measurements to obtain correct values. If this is not successful, the
user must move to the next point and carry on with the validation. Then print the validation report, the validation will be considered as a failure.
The machine is faulty and must be repaired by a qualified technician.