Thank you for purchasing Gymstick Core Twister. Core Twister exercising activates deep muscles
of the core and prevents lower back tension. Abs, hips and thighs are exercised as the body is
rotated from side to side, toning muscles and activating metabolism. Twist your way to slimmer
abs, hips and thighs.
For your safety please read carefully following instructions before using Core Twister.
Make sure that the surface on which you intend to use the twister is flat. Do not use on slippery surfaces.
The twister plate will spin, so be careful not to fall when stepping on the twister board.
Step carefully on the twister board by placing your feet on the massage bumbs.
Stand on the Core Twister with a straight spine and bend your knees a bit. Move
your hands on your sides, close to your chest (like as you were running).
When ready in the position, twist slowly your upper body to your right and
lower body to the left (allow your left heel raise). As soon as you feel stretch in
your abdominal muscles, stop and twist your body to other direction (upper
body to left and lower body to right). Keep twisting smoothly from side to
another. Remember to keep your hands up and raise your heels a bit. When
getting comfortable with the training you can increase the tempo.
The time for using a Core twister will depend on your physical condition. Start exercising slowly and stop
when you feel so. Your condition will gradually increase and you will be able to exercise for a longer
duration. There is no need to twist fast – twist with steady tempo.
- Before beginning training with Core Twister consult a physician or a licensed health care professional.
- If at any point during your workout you begin to feel faint, dizzy or have physical discomfort, you should
immediately stop training.
- Use Core Twister only as training or fitness tool.
- It is important to check that the product is in good shape on a regular basis.
- Store indoors in a dry place and away from the sunlight.
- The total weight should not exceed over 100kg.
The manufacturer and its associates and partners have no liability, obligation or responsibility to any
persons or entity for any loss, damages or adverse consequence alleges to have happened directly or
indirectly as a consequent of this product.