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Menu items
The following is a detailed introduction of each menu item:
PCM FILTER(PCM digital filter)
The DAC-X26 uses Gustard's proprietary high-performance PCM digital filter algorithm, with a
total of three types of PCM digital filters to choose from.
When this menu item is selected, pressing the right button of the D-pad will cycle through the
VIVID - GENTLE - COMPOSITE sequence, and press the left button of the D-pad to reverse the
The VIVID filter is similar to the traditional digital filter's FAST roll-off type, which has
excellent ringing characteristics, minimal pre-ringing, and fast-converged post-ringing. The
VIVID filter provides very realistic and accurate detail, sound field and sound reproduction.
We strongly recommend using this digital filter when listening to most music genres.
GENTLE is similar to the traditional digital filter SLOW roll-off type, which sounds more
elegant and relaxed.
COMPOSITE is a composite digital filter. Its ringing characteristics are mainly post-ringing
and have a very good sound.
b. DSD Filter(DSD digital filter)
The DAC-X26 has a total of 4 DSD filter cutoff frequencies that can be adjusted.
When the menu item is selected, pressing the right button of the D-pad will cycle through the
order of 47K - 50K - 60K - 70K, and press the left button of the D-pad to reverse the loop.
Please adjust according to the different DSD sampling rate of your playback. For example, if you
listen to DSD64 (2.82M) most, it is recommended to use 47K.
Choosing a larger bandwidth means more high frequency details.
c. GPLL MODE(GPLL precision mode)
The GPLL-M1 high-precision phase-locked loop has ultra-low residual phase noise, and its
recovered audio clock achieves ultra-low jitter performance at the femtosecond level. Thanks to
complex algorithms, the jitter suppression performance is also excellent.
Therefore, the audio master clock of the DAC-X26's built-in ES9038PRO DAC chips is also supplied
by the GPLL high-precision phase-locked loop. It works directly in synchronous mode to bypass
internal ASRC resampling and no longer relies on ASRC to guarantee performance (no need for 100M
The GPLL-M1 has Normal Precision, HIGH high precision, BYPASS (IIS pass) and CDT Opt. (CD player
optimization), a total of four modes to choose from.
The BYPASS mode is available to users of external independent phase-locked loop devices with
extreme levels of performance, such as Titans audio's Helen.