Operating Manual
Servicing Procedures
Important: To free a PCD that appears to be stuck, set the Safety Stop to the Open
position, then depress and release the gun trigger to unseat it.
REMOVE THE MIXING MODULE- Reconnect the air line. Disengage the Safety
Stop and depress the trigger and release. The Mixing Module should unseat itself
from the Gun Block. Lift the Mixing Module off the end of the Valving Rod.
Engage the Safety Stop and disconnect the air line.
Important: Do not attempt to dig out the Module using knives or sharp objects.
LOOSEN THE PACKING NUT-Using the 5/16” Wrench, back out the Packing Nut
three or four turns.
By removing the Packing Nut
entirely the Rear Seal can be
removed and replaced.
REMOVE THE GUN BLOCK- Using the 5/16” Spintite, remove the Gun Block
Retaining Screw. Carefully slide the Gun Block away from the Valving Rod and Air
Cylinder. If dried chemical has built up on the Gun Block removal may be difficult.
Removing the dried chemical will make removal easier. Be careful not to lose the
small “O” Ring seal located in the top if the Gun Block.
REMOVE THE VALVING ROD- Using the 3/8” Wrench, on the hex shaped
Valving Rod Shank and the ½” Wrench on the Jam Nut loosen the Jam Nut by
turning it clock wise. (As viewed from the front of the gun.) Continue to back the
Jam Nut away from the Valving Rod Shank by three or four full turns. Remove the
Valving Rod by unthreading it from the Piston Assembly.
the appropriate Brass Brushes, Clean Out Drills, etc. remove residual chemical. Use
Cotton Swabs soaked with Gun Cleaner if necessary. When finished, coat the
threads and the mating surfaces of the Gun Block, Gun Block Bracket, and Gun with
Lubriplate Grease. Do not get any grease in the chemical ports located in the Gun
Block or Mixing Module as this could interfere with chemical flow.
11. INSPECT THE GUN BLOCK- It is important to keep the Gun Block clean and free
from damage to insure proper operation of the Spray Gun. It has been coated with a
proprietary coating to help protect it from damage and make it more difficult for
chemical to adhere to it. However, it still requires periodic attention.