Show relative humidity at LCD display
This item provides to choice if actual measured relative humidity may be displayed at LCD display
or not. It is possible to change it after „
“ key pressing.
show value on LCD
don’t show value on LCD
Show computed value at LCD display
This item provides to choice if actual computed value may be displayed at LCD display or not.
There is shown the name of computed value on the top LCD line – see “Computed value selection“
below. It is possible to change it after „
“ key pressing.
show value on LCD
don’t show value on LCD
Show barometric pressure at LCD display
This item provides to choice if actual barometric pressure may be displayed at LCD display or not.
It is possible to change it after „
“ key pressing.
show value on LCD
don’t show value on LCD
Computed value selection
It shows the actually selected computed value name. It is possible to change it after „
“ key
pressing. There is possible choice one of the following computed values:
dew point temperature absolute humidity
mixing ratio
specific humidity