Minimum Age
Only persons above 16 years of age are allowed to work with the unit. .
Exempted from the provision is the use of the juvenile trainees if they work in the course of their professional training with an aim to
obtain the skill under trainer supervision.
Technical Data
GHS 1000
GHS 2000
Max. drawing force
1000 kg
2000 kg
Rope length :
cca 2,2 m
cca 3,3 m
Rope diameter :
4,8 mm
6 mm
Max. drawing way :
cca 1 m
cca 1,3 m
Ordering Number :
Not to be used at a gradient above 180%!
In displayed examples, the friction coefficient is not included. Mind that any loads without wheels require
more power from the rope winch.
On slopes, the load should be secured against slipping
Hand operated winding pulley may be used for drawing loads only. The total weight of the load should not be in excess
of data on the plate.
Wires and additional ropes may get broken and cause severe injuries by backlash!
Operator Safety Instructions
Do not use the unit before you have read the operating manual carefully.
Observe all the safety instructions indicated in the manual.
Be responsible to the others.