10 Lock/Unlock Secure
To unlock the secure
storage, press the
“Unlock” icon on
the CryptoPhone
main screen.
This reveals a “Lock”
icon, used to re-lock
the secure storage.
11 The CryptoPhone
The CryptoPhone Widget is a
quick way to access the most
important CryptoPhone 500
features directly from Android’s
home screen.
You can use it to make secure
calls, access your secure con-
tacts, the timeline, and secure
messages as well as change your
online status.
Tap on the respective icon in
the Widget to go directly to the
desired part of the CryptoPhone
Suite or to change your online
12 Emergency Erase
In case a capture of your phone
by unfriendly elements is immi-
nent, you can use the emergen-
cy erase function to overwrite
all key material as well as the
rest of the flash memory of the
You can access this function
from the CryptoPhone “Set-