Grundig GWN 37230 S User Manual Download Page 73




Cancelling the programme

The programme is cancelled when 

the machine is turned off and on 

again. Press and hold 

On / Off


for 3 seconds. 


If you press 



when the Child Lock is 

enabled, the programme 

will not be cancelled. You 

should cancel the Child 

Lock first. 


If you want to open the 

loading door after you have 

cancelled the programme 

but it is not possible to open 

the loading door since the 

water level in the machine 

is above the loading door 

opening, then turn the 

Programme Selection


knob to 

Spin + Drain


programme and discharge 

the water in the machine.

End of programme

Once the programme is completed, 

End LED will light up.

If you do not press any button for 10 

minutes, the machine will switch to 

OFF mode. Display and all indicators 

are turned off. 

When you press On/Off button, the 

completed programme steps will be 


Setting volume level

Low volume and high volume 

To modify the volume, hold down the 

2nd Additional Function button for 3 


Your machine is equipped 

with a "Standby Mode"

In case of not starting any 

programme or waiting without 

making any other operation while 

the machine is in the selection step 

after it is turned on by On/Off button 

or if no other operation is performed 

approximately 10 minutes after 

the programme you selected has 

come to an end, your machine will 

switch to OFF mode. Display and all 

indicators are turned off. When you 

press On/Off button, information 

about the selected programme 

is displayed. Please check the 

correctness of your selections before 

starting the programme. Readjust if 

necessary.  This is not a failure.

Summary of Contents for GWN 37230 S

Page 1: ...www grundig com EN RO MASINA DE SPALAT AUTOMATA MANUAL DE UTILIZARE GWN 37230 S 2820526606_RO 12 01 18 17 37 Num rul documentului...

Page 2: ...i informa iile din manualul de utilizare Re ine i c acest manual de utilizare este destinat mai multor modele Diferen ele dintre modele sunt specificate n manual Explicarea simbolurilor n acest manual...

Page 3: ...Utilizarea 23 Panoul de control 23 Preg tirea ma inii 23 Selectarea programului 23 Programe 24 Programe speciale 25 Selectarea temperaturii 26 Selectarea vitezei de centrifugare 26 Tabel de program i...

Page 4: ...nier si gur i n eleg pericolele implicate Copiii nu au voie s se joace cu produsul Lucr rile de cur are i ntre inere nu trebuie efectuate de copii cu excep ia cazului n care sunt supraveghea i de cine...

Page 5: ...sabilitatea pentru daunele cauzate de utilizarea produsului f r mp m ntare conform regle ment rilor locale Scoate i produsul din priz atunci c nd nu l folo si i Nu cur a i niciodat produsul turn nd sa...

Page 6: ...alizarea ciclului de sp lare n cazul for rii deschiderii u ii de serviciu u a i meca nismul de nchidere pot fi deteriorate Folosi i detergen i balsam i alte produse pen tru ma ini de sp lat automate U...

Page 7: ...opii Produsele electrice sunt periculoase pentru co pii n momentul c nd produsul este func ional men ine i copii departe de produs Nu i l sa i s se joace cu produsul Folosi i func ia de Blocare pentru...

Page 8: ...tru reciclarea echipamentului electric i electro nic V rug m s consulta i autorit ile locale pentru a vedea unde sunt localizate aceste centre de colec tare Conformitate cu directiva RoHS Produsul pe...

Page 9: ...ina dumneavoastr de sp lat Prezentare general 7 3 4 6 5 2 1 8 1 Cablu de alimentare 2 Panou superior 3 Panou de control 4 Capac filtru 5 Picioare ajustabile 6 U de serviciu 7 Sertar detergent 8 Furtu...

Page 10: ...ntru conexiunea furtunului de alimentare a Oprire electronic ap b Oprire mecanic ap c Standard 5 Compartiment pentru detergent lichid 6 Manual de utilizare 7 Dop 8 Grup dop plastic Num rul de uruburi...

Page 11: min 193 Durata programului standard pentru bumbac la 40 C cu nc rcare par ial min 193 Durat mod l sat pornit min N A Zgomot generat sp lare centrifugare dB 52 73 ncorporat Nu n l ime cm 84 L ime cm...

Page 12: ...Asigura i v c furtunurile de admisie i evacuare a apei precum i cablul de alimentare nu sunt pliate str nge sau zdrobite n timpul mpingerii produsului n locul acestuia dup procedurile de montaj sau c...

Page 13: fixare pentru transport Conectarea aliment rii cu ap C Presiunea apei de alimentare necesar pentru utilizarea acestui produs trebuie s fie ntre 1 10 bari 0 1 1 MPa Pentru ca ma ina s func ioneze c...

Page 14: ...ardoselei sau aproape de p m nt mai pu in de 40 cm deasupra p m ntului evacuarea apei se efectueaz mai greu iar hainele pot ie i excesiv de ude A adar respecta i n l imile descrise n figur 40 cm 100 c...

Page 15: ...ezidual GFCI techerul cablului de alimentare trebuie s fie u or accesibil dup instalare Dac siguran a sau ntreruptorul existent are o capacitate mai mic de 16 amperi apela i la un electrician califica...

Page 16: ...a de uscat A nu se c lca Uscare rufe sensibile delicate A nu se usca n ma ina de uscat A nu se usca A nu se cur a chimic USCARE Reglaje uscare La orice temperatur La temperatur nalt La temperatur medi...

Page 17: ...culoare sau substan e anti calcar potrivite pentru sp larea la ma in ntotdeauna respecta i instruc iunile de pe ambalaj Sp la i rufele delicate i pantalonii ntor i pe dos P stra i rufele din l n de A...

Page 18: ...are Ma ina regleaz automat cantitatea de ap n func ie de cantitatea de haine A AVERTISMENT Urm ri i informa iile din Tabelul de programe i consum n momentul supra nc rc rii performan a de sp lare a ma...

Page 19: ...mentul pentru presp lare compartimentul nr 1 Nu selecta i un program cu presp lare dac folosi i detergent n pung sau sub form de bil Amplasa i punga sau bila de detergent direct ntre rufele din ma in...

Page 20: i folosi func ia Pornire temporizat nu folosi i detergent lichid Utilizarea detergen ilor sub form de gel i tablete Dac detergentul gel are o consisten lichid i ma ina nu are un recipient special...

Page 21: ...fost evacuat de apa alimentat de ma in Ad uga i n lbitorul n acela i compartiment n timp ce ma ina continu s se alimenteze cu ap Utilizarea produselor anti calcar Dac este cazul folosi i substan e an...

Page 22: ...e 40 C Nivel de murd rire Grad ridicat de murd rire Detergen ii lichizi recomanda i pentru rufe colorate i negre pot fi folosi i n dozele recomandate pentru haine foarte murdare Grad normal de murd ri...

Page 23: ...a i detergent i balsam de rufe Selectarea programului Selecta i un program potrivit din Tabelul de programe i consum consulta i tabelul de temperatur de mai jos Lua i n considerare tipul de sp lare ca...

Page 24: ...ici de detergent in compartimentul principal pentru sp lare Nu pune i detergent n compartimentul de presp lare WoolProtect L n Utiliza i pentru a sp la mbr c mintea din l n Selecta i temperatura cores...

Page 25: ...material sintetic sau mbr c minte care nu dori i s se decoloreze Sp larea este efectuat cu mi c ri delicate i la temperaturi sc zute Pentru rufele n culori nchise este recomandat s folosi i detergent...

Page 26: ...ecran op iunile Cl tire prelungit i F r centrifugare Consulta i sec iunea Selectarea func iilor auxiliare pentru explica ii legate de aceste op iuni Am nare cl tire Dac dumneavoastr nu dori i s scoat...

Page 27: ...o 60 7 44 5 0 950 1200 Rece 60 60 3 5 38 0 635 1200 Rece 60 40 3 5 37 0 634 1200 Rece 60 Cotton 90 7 70 2 20 1200 Rece 90 60 7 70 1 55 1200 Rece 90 40 7 67 0 90 1200 Rece 90 Synthetics 60 3 52 1 10 12...

Page 28: ...iilor auxiliare poate fi modificat de c tre produc tor Este posibil s fie ad ugate func ii noi sau s fie eliminate func ii existente Viteza de centrifugare a ma inii poate varia n func ie de program n...

Page 29: ...pornirea ma inii prima func ie selectat va fi anulat iar a doua func ie selectat va r m ne activ Un exemplu Dac func ia Cl tire suplimentar este selectat prima i apoi este comutat la func ia Sp lare r...

Page 30: ...entrifugare i func iile auxiliare dac sunt necesare Seta i timpul de finalizare prin ap sarea butonului Timp de finalizare Indicatorul Timp de finalizare ilumineaz Ap sa i butonul Start Pauz Num r toa...

Page 31: ...pauz De asemenea lumina u ii de serviciu clipe te p n c nd este posibil deschiderea acesteia Lumina U de serviciu se va opri dup ce u a de serviciu este preg tit a fi deschis dar lumina pasului progra...

Page 32: ...e timp de 3 secunde Dup ce num r toarea invers ca CL_3_2_1_OF de pe afi ajul de selec ie este finalizat simbolul Blocare pentru copii activat se opre te Anularea programului n momentul n care ma ina e...

Page 33: ...orni programul Lumina de urm rire a programului ce prezint pornirea programului se va aprinde Setarea nivelului volumului Volum sc zut i volum ridicat Pentru modificarea volumului men ine i butonul ce...

Page 34: ...i butonul Pornit Oprit timp de 3 secunde Blocare pentru copii Folosi i func ia Blocare pentru copii pentru a evita modificarea set rilor de c tre copii Prin urmare pute i evita orice modific ri n func...

Page 35: ...ap c ldu n momentul cur rii purta i m nu i de protec ie sau utiliza i o perie apropiat pentru a evita atingerea rezidurilor cu pielea Dup cur are a eza i sifonul n loca ul lui i introduce i compartime...

Page 36: ...e cu ap i cur a i le foarte bine sub jet de ap Monta i la loc cu grij garniturile i filtrele i str nge i manual piuli ele furtunului Evacuarea apei r mase i cur area filtrului pompei Sistemul de filtr...

Page 37: ...Urma i pa ii de mai jos pentru a evacua apa Dac produsul este prev zut cu un furtun de evacuare de urgen pentru evacuarea apei Scoate i furtunul de evacuare de urgen din loca ul s u A eza i un recipi...

Page 38: ...ect Fixa i str ns furtunul pe robinet Filtrul pompei poate s nu fie nchis complet Verifica i dac filtrul pompei este nchis complet Ma ina nu se alimenteaz cu ap Robinetul este nchis Deschide i robinet...

Page 39: ...datorit unei cantit i insuficiente de ap Prin urmare durata programului de sp lare cre te Tensiunea este sc zut Timpul de sp lare este prelungit pentru evitarea rezultatelor slabe de sp lare n momentu...

Page 40: ...ia nuan ei de gri aceasta este dificil de ndep rtat Folosi i cantitatea de detergent recomandat n func ie de duritatea apei i cantitatea de rufe O cantitate prea mare de detergent este utilizat Utiliz...

Page 41: ...ul de presp lare nu este selectat ma ina poate lua acest detergent n timpul pa ilor de cl tire i tratare cu balsam Introduce i detergentul n compartimentul corect Detergentul a fost amestecat cu balsa...

Page 42: c exist o prolem n supapele sau n sertarul detergentului Contacta i un agent de service autorizat Spuma se revars din sertarul pentru detergent Este folosit prea mult detergent Amesteca i o linguri...

Page 43: ...www grundig com EN WASHING MACHINE USER S MANUAL GWN 37230 S 2820526606_EN 12 01 18 17 01 Document Number...

Page 44: ...n in the user manual Remember that this user manual is also applicable for several other models Differences between models will be identified in the manual Explanation of symbols Throughout this user...

Page 45: ...g 62 Operation 64 Control panel 64 Preparing the machine 64 Programme selection 64 Programmes 65 Special programmes 66 Temperature selection 67 Selecting the spin speed 67 Programme and consumption ta...

Page 46: ...n unless they are super vised by someone Children of less than 3 years should be kept away unless continuously super vised Never place the product on a carpet covered floor Otherwise lack of airflow b...

Page 47: ...ust be re placed by the manufacturer after sales service or a similarly qualified person preferably an electrician or someone designated by the im porter in order to avoid possible risks Product safet...

Page 48: ...and rinsing of textile products that are marked accordingly The manufacturer waives any responsibility aris en from incorrect usage or transportation Children s safety Packaging materials are dangerou...

Page 49: ...normal do mestic and other wastes at the end of its service life Take it to the collection center for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment Please consult your local authorities to lea...

Page 50: ...50 Your washing machine Overview 7 3 4 6 5 2 1 8 1 Power cable 2 Top panel 3 Control panel 4 Filter cap 5 Adjustable feet 6 Loading door 7 Detergent drawer 8 Drain hose...

Page 51: ...connection a Electronic water shut off b Mechanical water shut off c Standard 5 Liquid detergent container 6 User Manual 7 Blind plug 8 Plastic plug group Number of transportation safety bolts may ch...

Page 52: ...dard 40 C cotton programme at partial load min 193 Duration of the left on mode min N A Airborne acoustical noise emissions washing spinning dB 52 73 Built in No Height cm 84 Width cm 60 Depth cm 55 N...

Page 53: ...o do not have it installed Damaged products cause risks for your safety C Make sure that the water inlet and discharge hoses as well as the power cable are not folded pinched or crushed while pushing...

Page 54: ...gain in the future Never move the product without the transportation safety bolts properly fixed in place Connecting water supply C The water supply pressure required to run the product is between 1 t...

Page 55: ...ground less than 40 cm above the ground water discharge becomes more difficult and the laundry may come out excessively wet Therefore follow the heights described in the figure 40 cm 100 cm To prevent...

Page 56: ...plug must be within easy reach after installation If the current value of the fuse or breaker in the house is less than 16 Amps have a qualified electrician install a 16 Amp fuse The voltage specifie...

Page 57: ...s Suitable for dryer No Iron Sensitive Delicate dry Do not dry with dryer Do not dry Do not dry clean DRYING Drying Settings At any temperature At high temperature At medium temperature At low tempera...

Page 58: ...his will reduce pilling Laundry that are subjected to materials such as flour lime dust milk powder etc intensely must be shaken off before placing into the machine Such dusts and powders on the laund...

Page 59: ...Evening gown 200 Underclothing 100 Men s overalls 600 Men s shirt 200 Men s pyjamas 500 Blouses 100 Loading the laundry Open the loading door Place laundry items loosely into the machine Push the load...

Page 60: ...lely for delicate clothes When washing dark coloured clothes and quilts it is recommended to use liquid detergent Wash woollens with special detergent made specifically for woollens A WARNING Use only...

Page 61: ...starch powder starch or the fabric dye into the softener compartment Do not use softener and starch together in a washing cycle Wipe the inside of the machine with a damp and clean cloth after using...

Page 62: ...iquid detergents recommended for whites can be used at dosages recommended for lightly soiled clothes Colours Recommended temperature range based on soiling level cold 40 C Clothes Soiling Level Heavi...

Page 63: dosages recommended for lightly soiled clothes Delicates Woollens Silks Recommended temperature range based on soiling level cold 30 C Soiling Level Heavily Soiled Prefer liquid detergents produce...

Page 64: ...laundry in the machine Add detergent and fabric softener Programme selection Select a suitable programme from Programme and Consumption Table see the Temperature table below Consider the washing type...

Page 65: ...rgent in the prewash compartment WoolProtect Use to wash your woolen laundry Select the appropriate temperature complying with the care labels of your clothes Use appropriate detergents for woolens Th...

Page 66: ...gentle actions and at low temperatures It is recommended to use liquid detergent or woolen shampoo for dark coloured laundry Shirts Use this programme to wash the cotton synthetic and synthetic blende...

Page 67: ...l of the product Rinse Hold and No Spin options appear on the display See Auxiliary function selection section for explanations of these options Rinse Hold If you are not going to unload your clothes...

Page 68: ...95 1200 Cold 60 60 3 5 38 0 64 1200 Cold 60 40 3 5 37 0 63 1200 Cold 60 Cotton 90 7 70 2 20 1200 Cold 90 60 7 70 1 55 1200 Cold 90 40 7 67 0 90 1200 Cold 90 Synthetics 60 3 52 1 10 1200 Cold 60 40 3...

Page 69: ...tion shown on the display and the actual duration of the wash cycle Duration will be automatically updated soon after the washing starts Selectability of auxiliary functions might be changed by the ma...

Page 70: ...ection will remain active An example If Extra rinse is selected first and is then switched to Quick wash Extra rinse is then cancelled the Quick wash remains active An auxiliary function that is not c...

Page 71: ...n period At the end of the countdown End Time indicator turns off washing cycle starts and the time of the selected programme appears on the display When the End Time selection is completed the time a...

Page 72: ...Spin speed selection and Temperature selection C If no change is allowed the relevant light will flash for 3 times Adding or taking out laundry Press the Start Pause button to pause the machine The pr...

Page 73: the machine will switch to OFF mode Display and all indicators are turned off When you press On Off button the completed programme steps will be displayed Setting volume level Low volume and high v...

Page 74: ...r lights and indicators will turn off Once the Programme Selection knob is rotated or any button is pressed indicator lights and indicators will turn on again End of programme When the programme compl...

Page 75: C If more than normal amount of water and softener mixture starts to gather in the softener compartment clean the siphon Wash the detergent drawer and the siphon with plenty of lukewarm water in a...

Page 76: appropriate brush If the filters are too dirty take them out by means of pliers and clean them Take out the filters on the flat ends of the water intake hoses together with the gaskets and clean t...

Page 77: ...not have Follow the steps below to discharge the water If the product has an emergency draining hose to discharge the water Pull the emergency draining hose out from its seat Place a large container a...

Page 78: ...y Check if the pump filter is completely closed Machine does not fill with water Tap is turned off Open the taps Water inlet hose is bent Correct the hose Water inlet filter is clogged Clean the filte...

Page 79: ...ts when the supply voltage is low Input temperature of water might be low Required time to heat up the water extends in cold seasons Also washing time can be lengthened to avoid poor washing results N...

Page 80: ...oor Stains persist or the laundry is not whitened Insufficient amount of detergent is used Use recommended amount of detergent appropriate for the laundry Excessive laundry was loaded in Do not load t...

Page 81: ...ith the softener Do not mix the softener with detergent Wash and clean the dispenser with hot water Laundry does not smell like the softener Detergent is put in the wrong compartment If detergent is p...

Page 82: ...the detergent dispenser Call the Authorised Service Agent Foam is overflowing from the detergent drawer Too much detergent is used Mix 1 tablespoonful softener and l water and pour into the main wash...

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