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Note: Please quote the product model
number in connection with all inquiries.
The model number is shown on the front of
this manual and on the product rating plate.
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• www.schou.com
Manufactured in P.R.C.
All rights reserved. The content of this manual may not
be reproduced, either in full or in part, in any way by
electronic or mechanical means, e.g. photocopying or
publication, translated or saved in an information storage
and retrieval system without written permission from
Schou Company A/S.
Manufacturer: Schou Company A/S
Nordager 31, 6000 Kolding, Denmark
hereby declares that:
Weed burner set with regulator and hose
has been manufactured in accordance with
the following standards:
Certi� ed by: TÜV Rheinland
Registration number: AK601423580001
In accordance with the provisions of the
following directives:
General Product Safety Directive 2001/95/EC