This document sets out the warranties that are given by Greenpro Solutions Pty
Ltd (ABN 68 624 598 447) in relation to any Greenpro product purchased from or
manufactured by Greenpro Solutions (GPS).
1. Definitions
1.1. In this warranty policy:
means Greenpro Solutions Pty Ltd (ABN 68 624 598 447);
“Customer” means the party who originally acquired the Product from GPS,
or an authorised distributor, reseller or dealer for GPS, for their own use.
“OEM Equipment”
means the items of equipment fitted to the product by
GPS and which items have been manufactured by others and have their own
manufacturer’s warranty.
means the goods or machinery that the Customer acquired
and which were manufactured by GPS.
2. Warranty
2.1. Subject to clause 3 and clause 4, GPS warrants to the Customer that the
Product will be free from proven defects in material and workmanship for
twelve months from the date of purchase by the Customer, unless a specific
warranty period applies to a component listed in
appendix A.
2.2. The warranty is not transferable.
3. Limitations
3.1. This warranty does not cover damages resulting from shipping and handling,
abuse, accidents, alterations, normal wear or failure to maintain or use the
GPS product with due care.
3.2. GPS does not warrant that the operation of the product will be uninterrupted
or error free. The Customer must read and follow all instructions and manuals
for the setup, maintenance and use of the Product. If the Customer fails to do
so, the product may not function correctly and may suffer other damage.
3.3. This warranty does not extend to OEM equipment which has its own warrant
and the Customer must rely on the OEM equipment warranty for any defects
in material or workmanship relating to the OEM equipment.
3.4. This warranty does not extend to cover corrosion due to any cause nor to
any damage to painted or anodised surfaces that occurs after the Customer
takes delivery of the product.
3.5. This warranty does not cover time required to diagnose a warranty problem
3.6. The use of parts other than GPS parts for repair of warranted items will
automatically negate any warranty. Warranted components must be replaced
with genuine GPS parts.
3.7. Repairs by an unauthorised agent will automatically forfeit any warranty.
Warranty repairs must be carried out by GPS or an authorised GPS Dealer/
Service Agent only.
warranty policy