Website: www.greenhousepeople.co.uk
E-mail: [email protected]
Dear Customer,
Thank you for ordering your new greenhouse from us. We hope you find these in-
structions along with each member of 'The Greenhouse People' team helpful and in-
Please read all information before you begin
and take care to read all instructions it
will save you a lot of
later on. This instruction manual is also
available online at www.greenhousepeople.co.uk in our technical help section where
you can zoom in on all the pictures and text and reprint a copy if your manual gets left
out in the rain.
If you want any more advice, you can always give us a ring on 01782 388811.
Once again, thank you for your order and all the very best with your greenhouse.
Yours sincerely,
The Greenhouse People
P.S. Please do send us a photograph of your finished greenhouse. We’re always
interested to see how you’ve gone on. Send to: [email protected]