2. Mount the motor mount to the fi rewall on the fuselage
with three 3 x 20mm Phillips screws (apply a drop of
threadlocker to the threads), a 1/2" [13mm] tube and a 3mm
washer on each screw behind the motor mount.
3. Connect the motor wires to the wires coming from the
ESC. Turn on the transmitter and connect a motor battery to
the ESC. Advance the throttle stick to make sure the motor is
turning the correct direction. If the motor is turning backwards,
switch any two wires connecting the ESC and motor to get
the motor to turn in the correct direction (counterclockwise
when viewed from the front).
Install the Replica Engine
1. Use plastic-cutting scissors or a hobby knife to cut away
part of the “ring” around the replica engine as shown.
2. Use a pin vise with a small drill or a hobby knife to
drill the holes for the pushrod wires. The size of the drill
isn’t critical–it just has to be approximately the same size or
slightly larger than the pushrod wires so they will fi t into the
holes. The pushrod wires are .040" [1mm] dia., so a #60 drill
(.040" [1mm] or slightly larger) is suitable.
3. Once all the holes are drilled, install the pushrod wires.
Glue the wires into position from the back of the replica
engine with medium CA.
4. As best as you can, position the replica engine into the
cowl as described below:
Straddle the bottom two engine cylinders over the
balsa cowl ring as shown.