tape or heat shrink material. Tie the string to the aileron
servo extension and pull the wire out of the hole on top of
the bottom wing halves with the string. Tape the connector
to the wing to prevent it from falling back inside the wing.
Then discard the string. The end of the aileron extension in
the top wing halves should be taped to the wing halves until
it is time to join them with the center section of the wing.
This is covered in detail later in this manual.
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏
10. Insert the grommets and brass eyelets into the
servo as shown. These are included with the hardware
package for the servos. Place the servo into its opening in the
wing half and drill 1/16" (1.6mm) holes in the wing for the
mounting screws
(also included in the hardware package).
Use the techique shown on page 8 to harden the threads.
Mount the aileron servos using the servo mounting screws.
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏
11. The
servo arms
for the aileron servos are
installed so that they point outboard toward the wing tips as
shown in the above photograph. This is necessary for
proper function.
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏
12. Use a builder's triangle to establish a line to
the hole in the servo arm at 90 degrees from the trailing
edge of the wing. At this location use a nylon control horn
as a pattern to mark and drill the four 5/64" (2 mm) holes
1/2" (13 mm) deep into the bottom of each aileron for
mounting the nylon control horns. As shown on page 8, run
the #4 sheet metal screws into the wood. Then remove
them, creating threads in the wood. Saturate these holes
with thin CA, wipe away any residual CA and allow it to fully
harden. Mount the aileron control horns to the ailerons with
four #4 x 1/2" (13mm) sheet metal screws.
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏
13. Install a
metal clevis
, a 4-40
hex nut
, and a
clevis retainer
on the 4-40 x 12" (305mm)
threaded one
end pushrod
approximately 15 turns. Remember to use
Great Planes Pro Threadlocker (GPMR6060)
on these
clevises and hex nuts after the radio is set up and control
throws have been finished later on in this manual.