7. Glue the stabilizer into position on the bottom of the
horizontal fuselage halves. Use the notches in the LE and
TE of the stab to align it with the fuselage tube.
8. Glue the bottom vertical fuselage half to the fuselage
tube. Make sure to keep it parallel with the top half and
perpendicular to the horizontal fuselage. Glue the backs of
the servo mounts to the bottom vertical fuselage half.
9. Using the technique described in the previous
Tip, glue three C2 clip hinges and a C1 clip hinge control horn
to the rudder, using the 3 x 118mm [1/8" x 4-5/8"] rudder
post tube as a guide.
10. Remove the rudder post tube from the rudder. Glue
the rudder post tube to the TE of the vertical fin and vertical
fuselage halves.
11. Slide two C3 hinge retainer rings onto the bottom of
the rudder post. Align the top ring with the point where the
foam meets the rudder post tube. Position the bottom ring
1.5mm [1/16"] below the top one. Secure each ring with a
drop of glue on the outside of the gap. Avoid getting glue
between the rings.
12. Snap the rudder onto the rudder post.