Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc.
Loading Seed
Seed may be loaded in the field or prior to transport.
Fully loaded with dense seed, the drill can weigh an
additional 8294 lbs (3762 kg). Include this weight when
checking tractor capability.
The drill must be hitched for seed loading. The
mainframe may be raised or lowered. Lowered places
the walkboards closer to the ground, reducing effort
when manually loading bagged seed. If equipped with
ladders, swing them down.
Main Seed Box Loading
1. Check that all meter doors are positioned for the
seed size, and not set for clean-out. See Seed Rate
Manual. If loading prior to transport, set them to
position 1 (smallest seed).
2. Install or remove optional seed plugs as desired for
the row spacing planned. See “
3. If loading prior to transport, and calibration has not
yet been done, set Seed Rate Handles to 0. At 0,
and with the doors at 1, no seed can leak during
4. On HDF (fertilizer-capable) drill models:
• Check that any offset box dividers are set to the
desired compartment ratio. See “
• Check that the divider flap is set as desired (sepa-
rate compartments, or all-seed). See “
• If seeding only from the forward (seed) compart-
ment, flip the top spill flap back to prevent seed
from entering the fertilizer compartment.
5. Take all necessary materials safety precautions if the
seed is treated.
6. Load seed evenly into seed boxes.
7. To reduce wear, remove main shaft drive chains for
small seed boxes.
Small Seeds Box Loading
1. If loading prior to transport, and calibration has not
yet been done, set Seed Rate Handles to 0. At 0, no
seed can leak during transport.
2. Take all necessary materials safety precautions if the
seed is treated.
3. Load seed evenly into seed boxes.
4. To reduce wear, remove main shaft drive chains for
main seed boxes.