Normal Mode
(1) Basic Operation
- When Power on, the last used memory will be bound
- In case of No Receiver connection, if you press the
button of left stick for 1sec, it will search Receiver.
- if Receiver is not searched, it will be repeated until
Receiver, and you can bind with new Receiver by
pressing BIND/LED Switch.
(2) BIND mode
In case of no having receiver, which is already saved in
memory, then you can bind with new receiver by
pressing BIND Switch.
If Receive Signal is normal, RED LED wi
In case of Waiting Receiver or Range warning, RED
LED will be slow blinked.
(3) Range Test mode
Functional switch: Press shortly button of
SNAP once.
After Binding with Receiver, if you shortly press this
functional Switch, Range Test mode will operate for
While operating Range mode, if you shortly press this
switch, Range test mode will be ended.
At Range mode operation, RED LED will blink quickly
and make buzzer sound.
After 90sec, Beep sound will be occurred
enter to Main Mode.
(4) Low Battery Voltage warning
RED LED will do fast blinking. ( RED LED indicate State)
At under 3200V, Warning will be announced and at
3300V, warning will be removed.
3Cell Alkaline Battery will be used.
Important Point :
While Binding, Transmitter should always have distance
from the Receiver. At least 1m should have.
Otherwise, it might be connected to Return channel, and
do malfunction.
he last used memory will be bound to
In case of No Receiver connection, if you press the
it will search Receiver.
is not searched, it will be repeated until find
Receiver, and you can bind with new Receiver by
In case of no having receiver, which is already saved in
memory, then you can bind with new receiver by
If Receive Signal is normal, RED LED will be turned On.
In case of Waiting Receiver or Range warning, RED
Press shortly button of SPEED +
fter Binding with Receiver, if you shortly press this
functional Switch, Range Test mode will operate for
While operating Range mode, if you shortly press this
t Range mode operation, RED LED will blink quickly
occurred one time, and
RED LED indicate State)
At under 3200V, Warning will be announced and at
While Binding, Transmitter should always have distance
Otherwise, it might be connected to Return channel, and
Program Mode
(workable only at Binding condition
(1) Condition of Basic Operation
Enter to Program mode
simultaneously for 2sec.
Release Program mode
simultaneously for a second.
Indication of Program mode : Red Led
once per a second interval
Program mode : Blink once per a second interval
(2) Saving Data
50pcs of last used Data could be saved.
(3) Adjustment of Servo End
In case of Stick Calibration, Default will
value, Customer can adjust trim as below
- 100% --> 1100us ~ 1900us
At Max. or Min. Position of Stick,
Range of Trim is available 0% ~ 100%
If move to 100% position, High Beep sound will be
occurred once.
- Red Led will be blinked once per a second interval
Program mode : Blink once per a second interval
(4) Servo Reverse Set
This is used when change Servo direction.
All sticks are on neutral pos
switch to Max. or Min. Position.
If press Power switch with pressed trim switch to Max. or
Min. position, Normal mode and Reverse mode will be
- Indication of Servo Recei
blinked once per a second interval
- Normal mode : Green LED will be blinked once per a
second interval.
workable only at Binding condition)
Condition of Basic Operation
: Press two Stick Switch
: Press two Stick Switch
simultaneously for a second.
Program mode : Red Led will be blinked
once per a second interval
Data could be saved.
Servo End Position
case of Stick Calibration, Default will be 100%. At this
value, Customer can adjust trim as below way.
> 1100us ~ 1900us
on of Stick, adjust Trim Switch
0% ~ 100% ~ 150%.
f move to 100% position, High Beep sound will be
Red Led will be blinked once per a second interval
once per a second interval
when change Servo direction.
are on neutral position, and move the trim
f press Power switch with pressed trim switch to Max. or
Min. position, Normal mode and Reverse mode will be
iver mode : Red Led will be
once per a second interval
Normal mode : Green LED will be blinked once per a