GRAUPNER GmbH & Co. KG * Henriettenstrasse 94-96 * 73230 Kirchheim/Teck
Use a disposable syringe and a short piece of scrap Bowden tube to pipe a bead
of thickened epoxy resin into exactly the right spot.
Servo Mounting Tray & Speed Controller.
The laser-cut servo mounting tray fits snugly into the fuselage cockpit opening. The servo
tray is positioned such that it is flush against the fuselage support former and held securely in
place against the fuselage support former – using the two screws supplied in the kit.
The Electronic Speed Controller (ESC) is normally held in place against the inside of the
fuselage opening with good quality Velcro hook & loop tape. Be sure to locate the ESC such
as to maintain minimum cable runs and allow for easy exchange of flight batteries.
To produce a good looking joint, place a strip of cling-film over the bead of epoxy
resin, then smooth the bead with your fore finger. Leave the cling-film in place until the
joint has cured before removing to reveal a neat joint.
Fuselage Control Linkages
Temporarily install the rudder and elevator servos in the cut-outs in the servo mounting frame
according to the instructions supplied with the servos. Cut the control linkages to length in
the interests of saving space in the Electric Glider we suggest use of simple and effective z-
bends in the push-rods – rather than clevis adaptors.
Connect the push-rods and check that the control surfaces are held at neutral when the
servo positions are centred.
Finally secure the Bowden tubes to the inside of the fuselage side using the supplied slotted
hardwood blocks and a little suitably thickened epoxy to ensure smooth running and slop free
control linkages
always keeping mind to minimise the length of unsupported control linkages.
Wing joiner
The wing joiner is high quality square Carbon-Hybrid construction, carefully laminated by
hand with a V-shaped profile and excellent structural qualities. Despite very high standards in
use, small manufacturing tolerances can occur – it’s NOT a quality control problem. In the
event that joiner to be a little tight, use 120 grit abrasive paper to adjust as necessary.
Wing Joint.
The wing root ribs of both wing panels and factory finished and include the integral wing
mount fittings. It may be necessary to prepare the openings – using a rotary tool or suitable
small file.
Fig. 08. Prepare the openings in the wing roots
The openings in the two wing root ribs have been specially prepared to accept the four
supplied GRP connecting tongues which form the basis of the wing mount. Start by dry fitting
the two sets of GRP connecting tongues in the openings in the wing root ribs (T-shaped
portion first) and ensure that they are pressed firmly into the recesses provided such that the
connecting tongues will overlap one another when the wings are joined. Once satisfied, bond
the four connecting tongues into place using a little thickened epoxy. Note: there is no need
for excessive use of epoxy as the openings are made in such a way as to prevent the
tongues from being pulled out once correctly installed in the wing roots.