background image



Lithium manual program

The charger automatically sets the charge current of 1C based on this information.
When you connect the pack to the charger and start the charge process, the charge current
starts at 0.00 A and slowly rises to the set limit.However, please do not be surprised if the
charger does not reach the current you have set, because the charge program constantly
monitors the battery voltage in order to prevent the pack inflating, provided that the voltage of
the individual cells in the pack is the same.When the charger automatically reduces the charge
current, the screen displays the message „


“, alternating with the reduced charge current.

The fundamental rule is that Lithium-based batteries may ONLY be charged using
special chargers, and the charge program must be set up correctly in terms of final
charge voltage and capacity for the battery type in use. The charge process is
fundamentally different to that required for Ni-Cd or Ni-MH batteries, and is termed
a constant current / constant voltage method. The charge current required varies
according to the battery capacity, and is set automatically by the charger. Lithium
batteries are usually charged at the 1C rate (1C charge rate = half capacity as charge current. Example:
battery capacity 1500 mAh: 1C charge current = 1500 mA = 1.5 A). For this reason it is essential to set
the charger to the battery capacity instead of the charge current. When the battery on charge reaches
the specific final voltage which is appropriate to the battery type, the charger automatically reduces the
charge current in order to prevent the battery exceeding the final permissible voltage. If the battery
manufacturer states a charge current lower than the 1C rate, then the capacity (charge current) must be
reduced accordingly.

We recommend the use of the Micro Balancer, Order No. 6491, which ensures that your Lithium
batteries are charged optimally, and therefore increases their useful life.

Problems caused by mistreating batteries:
It is very dangerous to overcharge Lithium-Ion batteries, as they tend to react by gassing, overheating
and even exploding. If the final charge voltage of 4.1 V / cell (Lithium-Ion) or 4.2 V / cell (Lithium-Polymer
and Lithium-Manganese) is exceeded by more than 1%, the lithium ions in the cell start to change into
metallic lithium. This material reacts very violently with the water in the electrolyte, and this can result in
the cell exploding. On the other hand it is also important to avoid terminating the charge process before
the final charge voltage is reached, since this reduces the effective capacity of the Lithium-Ion cell
markedly. Stopping the charge at just 0.1 V under the threshold means a capacity loss of around 7%.
Lithium batteries must not be deep-discharged, as this leads to a rapid loss of capacity. This effect is
irreversible; it is absolutely vital to avoid discharging the batteries to below 2.5 V / cell.

Caution: the cell type, cell capacity and cell count set on the charger must always be correct for
the battery to be charged; if you make a mistake, the battery could explode! Never connect a
Lithium-based battery to the charger if it features an integral charge circuit! Always place your
Lithium batteries on a non-flammable surface for charging

This program charges the battery using the capacity
(charge current) which you set.


 you initiate the actual program you must set the

capacity of the pack (and thus the maximum charge
current - range 50 … 7000 mAh) using the INC / DEC

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

L i P o

m a n u a l

C : 2 5 0 0 m A h





Lithium discharge program

The purpose of this program is to determine the residual
capacity of a Lithium pack which has not been fully
The program discharges the pack using the set discharge
current (0.10 ... 100 A, left of screen) down to the set final
discharge voltage (2.5 ... 37 V per cell, right of screen). It
is not possible to set a final discharge voltage below 2.5 V
per cell, otherwise the battery will suffer permanent

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

L i P o

d i s c h a r g e

1 . 0 0 A

2 . 5 V / c e l l











_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _













Ni-MH discharge program

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

N i M H

d i s c h a r g e

1 . 0 0 A

4 . 8 V










13. Lithium programs

Ni-MH-Delta-Peak (-


 Peak) trigger voltage

It is possible to adjust the trigger voltage (in mV 


 cell!) of

the automatic termination circuit for Ni-MH batteries.
However, Ni-MH batteries have a less pronounced voltage
drop than Ni-Cd cells, and a practical range has proved to
be 5 ... 25 mV / cell. If the trigger voltage is set higher, there
is a danger of overcharging the battery; if set lower, there is
a danger of premature termination.
We recommend that you carry out a series of test charges
to establish the ideal trigger value for your batteries.

Ni-MH conditioning program

These programs are 


 suitable for charging and discharging Lithium-Ion batteries with a

voltage of 3.6 V / cell, and Lithium-Polymer and Lithium-Manganese batteries with a voltage of
3.7 V / cell. The outstanding feature of Lithium batteries is their much higher capacity compared
to other battery types. However, this important advantage is offset by the need to adopt different
handling strategies: they must be charged and discharged using specific methods, otherwise
they will be damaged, and can be dangerous. The directions in these instructions must be
observed at all times when handling these batteries. Specific information and safety notes will
also be found in the battery manufacturer’s technical information.

The typical purpose of this program is to determine the
residual capacity of a transmitter, receiver or drive battery,
or to discharge the pack to a defined level.
In this program the charger discharges the pack using the
set discharge current (0.10 ... 1.00 A, left of screen) until its
voltage falls to the set final discharge voltage (05 ... 16.8 V,
right of screen).
The set final discharge voltage should be a value of around
0.8 ... 1 V 


 cell, in order to avoid the pack becoming

deep-discharged. Deep-discharging a pack runs the risk of
reversing individual cells, i.e. they exhibit reversed polarity.

This program is designed to optimise the capacity of a
battery, and balance the state of its cells.
At top right you can use the INC or DEC button to determine
whether the conditioning program is to start with a charge or
discharge cycle. After this you set the number of cycles
from 1 to 5 (e.g., if you set three cycles, the pack will be
charged and discharged three times). The program dis-
charges the battery using the set discharge current stated
on the right of the screen (0.10 ... 1.00 A), and then rech-
arges it using the charge current (0.1 ... 7.0 A) shown on
the left of the screen. The 


 process is terminated

automatically in accordance with the values already set for
„Ni-MH Delta Peak cut-off voltage“. The method of reading
out the values for the individual cycles is described in the
section „Screen displays“.


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

N i M H

d e l t a - p e a k -

v o l t

= 1 0 m V / c e l l





charge time



N i M H

c y c l e

C > D


C : 2 . 5 A

E : 1 . 0 0 A

Summary of Contents for 6412

Page 1: ... MH Li Po Li Io and lead acid batteries Max charge current 7 A max discharge current 1 A Chargeur rapide à grande puissance piloté par micro processeur pour la charge rapide la décharge et le cyclage des accus NiCd NiMH Li lo Li Po et des accus Pb Courant de charge jusqu à 7 A courant de décharge jusqu à 1 A G R A U P N E R GmbH Co KG D 7 3 2 3 0 K I R C H H E I M T E C K G E R M A N Y 11 04 FRANÇ...

Page 2: ...ntladenen Akkus geringer Zellenzahl oder bestimmten Akkutypen Vergewissern Sie sich durch mehrere Probeladungen vor allem bei geringen Zellenzahlen von der einwandfreien Funktion der Abschaltautomatik u U werden volle Akkus durch einen zu schwachen Peak nicht erkannt Vor dem Laden prüfen Sind die zum Akku passenden Ladeprogramme die richtigen Lade Entladeströme sowie die bei NiCd und NiMH wichtige...

Page 3: ... neue Akkus erst nach mehreren Lade Entladezyklen ihre volle Kapazität erreichen Auch kann es im Besonderen bei neuen oder tiefentladenen Akkus zu einer vorzeitigen Ladeabschaltung kommen Sollte nach einer Schnellladung eine Zelle des NC Akkupacks besonders heiß geworden sein kann dies auf einen Defekt dieser Zelle hinweisen Dieser Akkupack sollte dann nicht mehr weiterver wendet werden verbraucht...

Page 4: ...d über sichtlich und logisch in vier Programmgruppen unterteilt Für die unterschiedlichen Akkutypen NickelCadmium Nickel Me tal Hydrid LitiumIonen LithiumPolymer und Pb Blei Akkus steht jeweils eine eigene Programmgruppe zur Verfügung EineweitereProgrammgruppebeinhaltetdieindividuellenEinstellmög lichkeiten des Ladegeräts Programmwechsel Ein Wechsel von einer Ladeprogramm Gruppe zur nächsten ist n...

Page 5: ... recht genau das Erreichen des maximalen Ladungsinhaltes angibt 12 NIMH Programme Komfortable Ladeprogramme für die Aufladung von im Modellbau üblichen Nickel Metall Hydrid Akkus Ist das Lade Entlade Programm beendet so erscheint bis zum Abklemmen des Akkus das Ladeprogramm abwechselnd mit dem Schriftzug ENDE im Display die Ladezeit der letzte Ent Ladestrom die ge ent ladene Kapazität sowie Akkusp...

Page 6: ...a 7 Kapazitätsverlust Tiefentladung von Lithium Akkus führt zum rapiden Kapazitätsverlust Dieser Effekt ist nicht umkehrbar sodass man es auf jeden Fall vermeiden muss den Akku unter 2 5 V Zelle zu entladen Achtung Der eingestellte Zellentyp die Zellenkapazität und die Zellenanzahl muss immer mit dem zu ladenden Akku übereinstimmen und darf niemals abweichen Explosionsge fahr Es dürfen keine Akkus...

Page 7: ...ang gestartet so beginnt der Ladestrom von 0 00 A an langsam bis an die eingestellte Begrenzung anzusteigen Der Akku wird dabei laufend neu vermessen und der Ladestrom den Gegebenheiten angepasst Das Ladeprogramm ermittelt aufgrund der Spannungslage automatisch die zum Akku gehörende Zellenzahl Wundern Sie sich jedoch nicht wenn der von Ihnen eingestellte Ladestrom nicht erreicht wird denn das Lad...

Page 8: ...Anzeige der Fehlerursache auf der Flüssigkristallanzeige sowie zum Ansprechen des Summers führen _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V E R M E S S E A K K U B I T T E W A R T E N Messvorgang Nach Drücken der START Taste für ca 2sek wird der Akku vermessen sodass für 1 2sek diese Meldung im Display erscheint bevor der Ladevorgang gestartet wird Akkutyp _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ...

Page 9: ...ungs Peak nicht sehr ausgeprägt ist kann eine einwandfreie Funktion nicht garantiert werden Die Automatik kann nicht oder nicht richtig ansprechen Überprüfen Sie deshalb durch mehrfache überwachte Probeladungen ob bei den von Ihnen verwendeten Akkus eine einwandfreie Abschaltung erfolgt Warme Batterien sind leistungsfähiger als kalte wundern Sie sich deshalb nicht wenn Ihre Batterien im Winter nic...

Page 10: ...35 23 12 23 2 Ceská Republika Slovenská Republika RC Service Z Hnizdil Letecka666 22 CZ 16100 Praha 6 Ruzyne 42 2 33 31 30 95 Name des Käufers Owner s name Nom de l acheteur G a r a n t i e U r k u n d e Warranty certificate Certificat de garantie ULTRAMAT 12 Best Nr 6412 67 69 Übergabedatum Date of purchase delivery Date de remise Strasse Wohnort Complete adress Domicie et rue Firmenstempel und U...

Page 11: ...onsisting of a small number of cells If the cells feature has a poorly defined voltage peak the charger may fail to detect the fully charged state z Before charging please check have you selected the appropriate charge program for the battery Have you set the correct charge or discharge current Have you set the important cut off voltage when charging Ni Cd and Ni MH packs Are all connections firm ...

Page 12: ...have undergone several charge discharge cycles You should also be aware that the charger may terminate the charge process prematurely when connected to new packs and batteries which have been deep discharged A Ni Cd pack will normally be warm at the end of a rapid charge process but if you notice that one cell of the pack is much hotter than the others this may well indicate a fault in that cell S...

Page 13: ...rrupt the charge process by pressing the START button all display parameters are irretrievably erased 7 Program flowchart 6 Charge and discharge programs The various facilities of the charger are divided up into four program groups which you can select by holding the MODE button pressed in for two seconds The sequence is shown in the flow chart below Ni Cd battery programs charging conditioning di...

Page 14: ... process is terminated automatically in accordance with the values already set for Ni MH Delta Peak cut off voltage _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N i C d d e l t a p e a k v o l t 1 0 m V c e l l DEC INC NiCd conditioning program Ni Cd manual program Ni Cd discharge program _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N i C d m a n u a l C 2 5 A...

Page 15: ... a n u a l C 2 5 0 0 m A h DEC INC Lithium discharge program The purpose of this program is to determine the residual capacity of a Lithium pack which has not been fully discharged The program discharges the pack using the set discharge current 0 10 100 A left of screen down to the set final discharge voltage 2 5 37 V per cell right of screen It is not possible to set a final discharge voltage bel...

Page 16: ... the charger will not recognize lead acid batteries with other nominal voltages and such batteries must not be connected to it Lead acid batteries behave entirely differently to Ni Cd and Ni MH batteries Lead acid batteries can only deliver relatively low currents relative to their capacity and similar restrictions very definitely apply to charging Manufacturers usually state 14 to 16 hours for ac...

Page 17: ...a charge or discharge program comes to an end the screen displays the message END alternating with the program name At the same time the integral buzzer sounds for a limited period unless you have already disabled it in the Button click buzzer user settings section Ready message The current input voltage can be called up at any time by pressing the INC and DEC buttons simultaneously This can be ve...

Page 18: ...ggered or may not terminate the charge at the correct time For this reason it is important to carry out a series of monitored test charge processes with your packs in order to establish whether the charge process is terminated reliably Warm batteries offer much higher performance than cold ones so don t be surprised if your batteries don t seem so effective in the winter Overcharging and deep disc...

Page 19: ...ofonde un trop faible nombre d éléments ou avec certains types d accus z S assurer par plusieurs essais de charge surtout avec un faible nombre d éléments du parfait fonctionnement de la coupure automatique une trop faible pointe de charge totale ne sera pas détectée z Vérifier avant la charge Si le programme de charge est adapté pour l accu si les courants de charge décharge sont corrects et si l...

Page 20: ...ieurs cycles de charge et de décharge De même qu une coupure prématurée peut se produire particulièrement avec les accus neufs et les accus profondément déchargés Si l un des éléments d un pack d accus NC est devenu particulièrement chaud après une charge rapide cela peut provenir d une défectuosité de cet élément Ce pack d accus ne devra alors plus être utilisé Les batteries usagées sont bonnes p...

Page 21: ...u avec la touche START tous les paramètres affichés seront effacés 7 Structure des programmes 6 Programmes de charge et de décharge Les différentes possibilités du chargeur sont réparties en 4 groupes de programmes qui pourront être sélectionnés dans l ordre indiqué à la suite avec la touche MODE pression durant 2 sec Programme accus NiCd Charge cyclage décharge pour la détermination de la capacit...

Page 22: ...on la valeur réglée pour la tension de coupure Delta Peak NiMH _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N i C d D e l t a P e a k T e n s 1 0 m V e l e m Programme de cyclage NiCd Programme manuel NiCd Programme de décharge NiCd _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N i C d M a n u e l C 2 5 A DEC INC Avec ce programme l accu sera chargé avec le cou...

Page 23: ... M a n u e l C 2 5 0 0 m A h DEC INC Programme de décharge Lithium Ce programme sert par ex pour déterminer la capacité restante d un accu au Lithium non entièrement vide Avec ce programme le courant de décharge réglé 0 10 1 00 A sur la gauche de l affichage déchargera l accu jusqu à la tension de coupure réglée 2 5 3 7 V élément sur la droite de l affichage Une tension de 2 5 V par élément ne dev...

Page 24: ...plomb avec une autre tension nominale ne seront pas détectées par le chargeur et ne devront pas être connectées sur celui ci Les accus au plomb se comportent très différemment des accus NiCd ou NiMH En ce qui concerne la capacité les accus au plomb sont seulement chargeables avec des courants relativement faibles par comparaison aux accus NiCd ou NiMH Ceci est aussi valable surtout pour leur rech ...

Page 25: ...cet avertissement d erreur est que les éléments ont été trop profondément déchargés par un mauvais réglage _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E R R E U R M a u v p o l a r i t é Cet avertissement apparaît lorsque l accu a été connecté sur le chargeur avec une inversion des polarités _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E R R E U R T e n s i o...

Page 26: ...t pas très nette et une fonction impeccable ne peut pas être garantie La coupure automatique peut ne pas intervenir ou non correctement Pour cette raison surveiller par plusieurs essais de charge si une coupure peut se faire impeccablement avec l accu à charger Une batterie tiède délivre davantage de puissance qu une froide il ne faut donc pas s étonner qu une batterie soit moins performante en hi...

Page 27: ...carica e la formattazione di celle NiCd NiMH Li Io Li Po e al Piombo Corrente di carica fino a 7 A di scarica fino a 1 A G R A U P N E R GmbH Co KG D 7 3 2 3 0 K I R C H H E I M T E C K G E R M A N Y PN JL 01 Nessuna responsabilità per errori di stampa Ciriserviamo la possibilità di apportare modifiche Art n 6412 ...

Page 28: ...terminati tipi di accumulatori Fate parecchi test di prova soprattutto co un piccolo numero di celle per assicurarvi sull affidabilità della funzione di spegnimento automatico Tra l altro un accumulatore completamente carico non è riconoscibile con un basso valore di picco Prima di una ricarica chiedetevi è stato impostato il programma di carica adatto all accumulatore la corrente di carica scaric...

Page 29: ...sto pacco di batterie non dev essere più usato dev essere eliminato nei contenitori per rifiuti speciali Controllate attentamente i collegamenti di tutti gli spinotti e delle pinze Anche una breve interruzione del processo di carica per un falso contatto può far iniziare di nuovo il processo di ricarica e quindi sovraccaricare l accumulatore Una frequente causa di malfunzionamento è l uso di cavi ...

Page 30: ...ica dell ULTRAMAT 12 sono suddivise in modo chiaro e logico in quattro gruppi di programmi Per i diversi tipi di accumulatori Nichel Cadmio Nichel Metal Id rato Ioni di litio Polimeri di litio e Piombo c è a disposizione un proprio gruppo di programmi Un ulteriore gruppo di programmi comprende le possibilità di im postazione individuali del caricabatterie Cambio del programma Finché l apparecchio ...

Page 31: ...ulatore alternativamente con la scritta ENDE fine il tempo di carica gli ultimi valori della corrente di carica scarica la capacità e la tensione dell accumulatore Questi dati danno in questo caso indicazioni preziose ed esaurienti sull andamento della carica sulla capacità dell ac cumulatore NiMH collegato o su errori verificatisi NiMH Programma AUTOMATICO NiMH Programma DI FORMATTAZIONE NiMH Pro...

Page 32: ...riche profonde degli accumulatori al litio provocano una rapida perdita di capacità Questo fenomeno non è reversibile perciò dev essere in ogni caso evitato di scaricare l accumulatore sotto i 2 5 V cella Attenzione l impostazione del tipo di accumulatore della sua capacità e del numero di celle deve concordare sempre con l accumulatore da caricare e non deve mai differire pena il peri colo di esp...

Page 33: ...rente di carica superiore Dopo che l accumulatore è stato collegato ed è iniziato il processo di carica la corrente di carica comincia a salire lenta mente da 0 00 A fino al limite impostato Durante la carica l accumulatore viene costantemente monitorato e la corrente di carica adattata alla nuova situazione Il programma di carica in base alla misura della tensione determina automaticamente il num...

Page 34: ...di della causa dell errore ed una segnalazione acustica del cicalino _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V E R M E S S E A K K U B I T T E W A R T E N Configurazione iniziale Dopo la pressione del tasto START per ca 2 sec prima che venga avviato il processo di carica l accumulatore viene configurato e per 1 2 sec sul display appare questa indicazione Tipo accumulatore _...

Page 35: ...matico poiché il picco di tensione non è molto sensibile e non è garantito uno svolgimento corretto della funzione Il funzionamento automatico non può reagire correttamente Eseguite perciò prove ripetute controllando se la funzione di spegni mento automatico funziona correttamente con il vostro accumulatore Le batterie calde sono più efficienti di quelle fredde Non meravigliatevi perciò se in inve...

Page 36: ...xembourg Kit Flammang 129 route d Arlon 8009Strassen 35 23 12 23 2 Ceská Republika Slovenská Republika RC Service Z Hnizdil Letecka666 22 CZ 16100 Praha 6 Ruzyne 42 2 33 31 30 95 Name des Käufers Owner s name Nome dell acquirente CERTIFICATO DI GARANZIA ULTRAMAT 12 Best Nr 6412 67 69 Übergabedatum Date of purchase delivery Data di acquisto Strasse Wohnort Complete adress Indirizzo Timbro e firma d...
