our mcP 400 master control panel gives you total control
of your cameras. regardless of the number of cameras in
your production, mcP 400 provides centralized camera
control and health monitoring for c2iP camera control
networks with fast and full graphical control of all camera
and base station functions with touchscreen capabilities
with multiple, ganged camera control.
as part of fusion, Grass Valley’s commitment to provide tighter integration and control between
Grass Valley products, LDk connect Gateway opens up camera control in ways you’ve never
thought possible.
LDk connect Gateway is a dedicated platform that can simultaneously access the c2iP camera
control network and a public ethernet-based network. The overall scope of the LDk connect Gateway
is to provide a platform for both the c2iP XmL Gateway as well as for future software applications
such as dynamic ocP number assignment (‘follow the router’) up to a central point where the
diagnostics of all connected camera components are monitored and acted upon to guarantee your
uptime and forms a bridge between the c2iP network and the rest of the ethernet-based world.
our ocP 400 operational control panel allows the camera shader to
“paint” each camera using all of their talents and skills. They feature
a high-quality joystick for intricate control of iris and master-black
with direct-access buttons, easy access to all levels of operational
and technical parameters, and a smart card slot to store the preferred
settings of any LDk camera.
for 3D productions, a sophisticated master/slave relationship can
be created between Left-eye and right-eye cameras. This ensures
that the “differences” between the two camera/lens chains can be
matched, simplifying your 3D production.
Fusion adds value to Grass Valley solutions by providing tighter integration,
unique functionality, and increased flexibility when our products are connected
together -leading to more efficient and faster production and publishing.
With Fusion, LDK camera control can be managed directly from the Grass Valley
Kayenne™ Video Production Center via LDK Connect™. Now, Kayenne operators
have direct access to and control of LDK camera features, including Color Bars,
Auto Iris, Filter Wheel and Gain, Scene File Recall, and Tally via Ethernet.
K2 Dyno Replay System works
seamlessly with the K2 Dyno
Production Assistant, all
LDK Series Cameras,
All powered by Fusion
conTroL sysTems
mcP 400
masTer conTroL PaneL
for cenTraLiZeD camera conTroL
LDk connecT GaTeWay
conTroL is eVeryTHinG
ocP 400
LDk camera famiLy
oPeraTionaL conTroL PaneL