Kayak HD — Installation Planning Guide
Section 4 — Options
Kayak HD GPI and Tally Interface
The Kayak HD is highly modular and configurable. This document
describes various possibilities for tally interconnections.
There are two 50 pin female subminiature 'D' connectors on the rear of the
4 RU Kayak HD frame and four connectors on the rear of the 8 RU Kayak
HD frame. Each connector is activated by the presence of a Mix/Effects
module installed in the frame. A one M/E switcher (4 RU or 8 RU frame)
activates only the first connector. Two M/Es activate two connectors, and
so forth, up to four connectors activated by a four M/E system.
GPI inputs and outputs are assigned as follows:
GPI in 1 - 8 and GPI/Tally out 1 - 32 routed to the first connector.
GPI in 9 - 16 and GPI/Tally out 33 - 64 routed to the second connector.
GPI in 17 - 24 and GPI/Tally out 65 - 96 routed to the third connector (8
RU frame only).
GPI in 25 - 32 and GPI/Tally out 97 - 128 routed to the fourth connector
(8 RU frame only).
For pinouts of these connectors refer to the listings in:
4 RU and 8RU Frame Tally (GPI In 1-8, GPI Out 1-32)
4 RU and 8RU Frame Tally (GPI In 9-16, GPI Out 33-64)
8RU Frame Tally (GPI In 17-24, GPI Out 65-96)
8RU Frame Tally (GPI In 25-32, GPI Out 97-128)
These four connectors do not share any signals in common other than
ground reference and chassis ground. Because of this, some GPI / Tally
interconnects may require external common connections between connec-
tors, as explained below.
GPI Inputs
The purpose of the GPI In pins is to provide a stimulus from the customer's
equipment to the switcher.
A simple connection to the two connectors (or four in the case of the 8 RU
frame) activates the corresponding input. This kind of control is suitable for
a connection to a relay contact or to an open-collector output.
When connecting to an open-collector output, there is no ground potential
isolation between the Video Processor frame and controlling devices.
Since the circuit ground is led out of the device, the cabling has to be
shielded for this kind of control. Non-shielded cables may cause EMC and/
or ESD problems.