In this example, the zoom knob is set to one minute. The gray line shows the section
that the seekbar has zoomed in on, and orange lines indicate the areas of the asset that
are outside the zoom section.
About using MediaFrame with non-English languages
When using MediaFrame with a non-English language, asset name length and search
behavior might be affected. If using unicode, the encoder can be con
gured to support
How searches work -- All of the text in the MediaFrame database is indexed using
a full-text index rather than searching for a speci
c string of characters. This index
is used when you search using the Word or Phrase in the Asset Metadata text
(It is not used in the All or Part of the Asset Name text
eld.) In a full-text index,
before the data can be indexed the word boundaries must be determined. The index
uses a 'word breaker' to determine where the word boundaries are.
Non-English searches --Different languages might determine word boundaries
differently. This could affect searching for non-English text. An administrator can
Aurora Browse Version 7.1.0 Release Notes and Upgrade Instructions
18October 2010
Additional notes