4. Select the letter of the drive you wish to create.
5. Select the size of the drive you wish to create.
a. If using Windows 98SE/ME, you may create a
partition of up to 2GB.
b. If using Windows 2000/XP, you may create a partition
of up to 4GB.
c. Using one PriveKey, you may create up to four
separate partitions.
6. Choose the Storage Drive to use as the source of the
partition’s space. The Free Space indicates how much space
is available on the Storage Drive.
7. Create an Image Name to establish the name of the drive.
8. Click OK to establish the partition.
9. Once established, the drive will only be viewable and
available when the PriveKey is connected. With the PriveKey
removed, the drive is invisible and unavailable.