NW Explorations
As you can see, this furnace system is very flexible and a great addition to the boat! As long
as the batteries can support the modest DC power requirement of the fans and furnace blower,
you will have plenty of quiet heat. In fact, this use of the house batteries’ energy for air
circulation is a good reason to limit use of the furnace to times when passengers are awake,
unless the boat has shore power available.
CAUTION: The furnace exhaust is on the port side of the boat and is very hot! Do not put
fenders in front of it, and do not let the dinghy or any other boat be alongside
where it might
be burned by the hot gas!
Furnace Problems
You should not have problems with the furnace; if you do, contact NW Explorations.
Note the location of the furnace exhaust on the port side of the boat!
Care should be taken
not to block this outlet with
fenders or get too close while rafting due to the very high
temperature of the exhaust gases from the furnace. See illustration on preceding page.
Furnace Blower Controls
“Fan Heater” controls are located throughout the boat in areas where there are no
thermostats. These will supply heat to that area when the switch is on “Low” or “High” and
the furnace is running.
Furnace Thermostats
See illustration on preceding page. The thermostat shows the room temperature until the up/down button is touched,
then it shows the furnace setting. When it is showing the furnace setting, you can raise of lower it as desired.
4N: Galley & Appliances
Dream Catcher is fitted with a number of appliances for your convenience. Most of these (like the microwave) are easy
to operate, “just like a home appliance”; nevertheless, we will spend some time discussing these, as marine units have
some features that are slightly different than home models.
4N1: Barbecue
The barbecue is mounted atop the sundeck hand rail. Its propane tank is nearby. It operates conventionally. To use
it, (1) Turn valve on the tank itself on; (2) Turn the control at the barbeque to “High”; (3) Using the built in lighter or a
propane “match”, light the barbecue.
4N2: Microwave/Convection Oven
The microwave is conventional, operating just as one does in
the home ashore.
4N3: Refrigerator/Freezer - Galley
The boat is equipped with an efficient Grunert refrigerator and
deep freeze.
This refrigeration runs on 110 volts AC, and can run on shore,
generator or inverter power!
Refrigeration temperatures are controlled by the thermostats in
each unit; set as required after allowing them to stabilize for a few hours after loading.
Hint: If you keep the units full, they will hold temperatures steadier. We suggest filling used
water bottles or jugs with tap water and using them as space-fillers in the units!
Furnace exhaust is just
forward of midships to port.
The refrigerator.
The deepfreeze.