8617 Fiberoptic otoscope:
Assembly And operAtion instructions
pleAse sAVe tHese instructions For Future use
Info: The most current version of these instructions can be found online at
sAFety guidelines - pleAse reAd beFore use
WArning: important! read and understand these instructions before using the grafco 8617
Fiberoptic otoscope. if you do not understand any part of these warnings or instructions,
contact a healthcare professional for direction in the use of this product. if the otoscope is not
properly assembled, personal injury and damage to the otoscope could result.
WArning: if components are damaged or missing, contact your gF distributor immediately. do
not use substitute parts. use only grafco replacement parts. non-grafco replacement parts
could cause personal injury and damage to the otoscope.
WArning: gF Health products, inc. assumes no responsibility for any damage or injury caused
by improper assembly, or use of this product.
intended use
The Grafco 8617 Fiberoptic Otoscope is intended to illuminate the auditory canal for examination.
WArning: u.s. federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
WArning: use the otoscope for ear examination only with an ear speculum attached.
WArning: do not use this device in the presence of flammable gases.
WArning: this device is not intended to be used for the evaluation of nerve function.
Assembly (see picture At rigHt)
Install the batteries:
Unscrew the bottom cap from the battery handle. Insert two AA alkaline batteries into
the battery handle, ensuring that the batteries are configured correctly. Screw the bottom cap onto the
battery handle.
operAtion (see picture At rigHt)
WArning: use the otoscope carefully to avoid ear injury.
WArning: before each use, check the outer surface of
the speculum to ensure there are no rough surfaces or
sharp edges.
WArning: to minimize lamp housing temperatures, do
not exceed one minute on-time, and allow no less than
five minutes oFF-time.
WArning: if the handle is too hot or the batteries
leak, turn the device oFF immediately and take out the
WArning: turn the otoscope oFF when not in use.
ON and OFF:
Move the battery handle clip ON/OFF switch down to
turn the instrument ON. Move the switch up to turn the instrument OFF.
Magnification lens:
The 2.5x lens can be swivelled laterally.
Speculum insertion and removal:
The speculum size is marked on its outside.
position the
selected speculum on the otoscope socket and turn it clockwise until you feel resistance.
turn the
speculum counter-clockwise until it is free of the otoscope socket.
Replacing the bulb:
Unscrew the instrument head to remove it from the battery handle. The bulb is in the
bottom section of the instrument head. Remove the bulb from the instrument head carefully with your
thumb and forefinger or a suitable tool. Insert the new bulb firmly.
8617 FiberOptic Otoscope
magnification lens