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General notes
The relevant accident prevention regulations according to BGV C22 must be observed during all work.
Particularly when walking on the tanks, a 2nd person is required to secure the tank.
The relevant regulations and standards must additionally be taken into consideration during installation,
assembly, servicing, repair, etc. Relevant notes can be found in the corresponding sections of these in-
During all work on the system or parts of the system, the entire system must always be rendered inopera-
ble and secured to prevent unauthorised reactivation.
The tank cover must always remain closed except when working in the tank, otherwise there exists a very
high danger of accidents. The seating and condition of the cover must be checked on a regular basis.
GRAF offers an extensive range of accessories, all of which are designed to match each other and which
can be extended to form complete systems. The use of other accessories may lead to impediments to the
system's functional capability, therefore invalidating liability for resulting damage.
Installation conditions
Universal-Filter 3 pedestrian weight resistant
The Filter with the green telescopic attachment and cover may only be installed in green areas
that are not traversed by traffic.
The amount of short-term load of the polyethylene cover is max. 150 kg, the long-term area load
max. 50 kg
The maximum installation depth to the filter bottom is 1050 mm.
Roof areas provided with a pipe connection of DN 100 = 350 m² and for DN 150 = 500 m².
Universal-Filter 3 external for light traffic
Through the use of the telescopic attachment (anthracite) and the cast iron cover Class B accord-
ing to DIN EN 124 the filter may be installed in areas traversed by light traffic. Under no circum-
stances are the tanks to be installed in areas traversed by heavy goods vehicles or machinery
(see point 5.3.2)
The earth covering above the inlet supply pipe must be at least 450 mm; the maximum installa-
tion depth to the filter bottom is 1050 mm.
Roof areas provided with a pipe connection of DN 100 = 350 m² and for DN 150 = 500 m².
Universal-Filter 3 internal DN100 / Universal-Filter 3 XL internal DN150
The Filter is suitable for installation in a pilot shaft or in a cistern.
The difference in height between the supply pipe and outlet is 275 mm
The Filter may not be installed directly in the earth.
Roof areas provided with a pipe connection of DN 100 = 350 m² and for DN 150 = 500 m².
Transport and storage
During the transport the filter must be well secured against slipping or falling. If the Filter is to be secured
for transportation with webbing straps, it is to be ensured that the filter remains undamaged.
Stress and excess loading caused by impact are to be avoided. Under no circumstances is the filter to be
rolled or slid over the ground surface.