Prime Empty System
Prime Empty System
Prime A and B Fluids
The equipment is tested with light weight oil at the
factory. If necessary, flush out the oil with a compatible
solvent before spraying. See
System (new system or end of job)
1. Prepare the materials prior to adding to the hoppers
(J). Ensure that the resin materials are thoroughly
mixed, homogeneous, and pour-able prior to adding
to the hopper. Stir the hardeners back into
suspension prior to adding material to hopper.
2. Fill the A and B hoppers with proper materials. Fill
the A side (blue) with major volume of material; fill
the B side (green) with minor volume of material
(unless 1:1 mix ratio).
3. Move the recirculation lines (U) to empty containers.
4. Close the dual shutoff handle (AE) and open the
recirculation handle (AC).
To help prevent injury, wear gloves when using
solvents and/or if the fluid temperature exceeds 110° F
(48° C).