Harness Height, Rear-Facing (A)
Harness straps at or just below the child’s
shoulders and top of head must be at least
2.5 cm (1”) below the headrest adjustment lever
Review section 5.
Buckle Position (C)
The correct slot is the one that is closest to your
child without being underneath them. Review
section 5.
Harness Tightness (D)
If your fingers slide off the harness straps
without pinching the straps, it is tight enough.
Review section 5.
For Rear-Facing, You Need to Adjust:
2.5 cm (1”)
2.5 cm (1”)
Does Your Car Seat Fit Your Child Correctly?
To make sure your child is secured properly, review section 3 and 4 to understand
all of the actions you need to take to properly adjust the car seat to fit your child.